{deceased, a short story}

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Rory Williams stares at his computer, not moving, just sitting there staring at the email he has received.
Dear Mr and Mrs Williams,
I am very sorry to inform you that your daughter, Melody Pond, has not returned from battle with the rest of her battalion and we are presuming that she is dead. She was a very good sergeant and will be missed by everyone here. I am very sorry for your loss.
        Sergeant Harkness

Rory hasn't cried since the day that his little girl was born 28 years ago, but now a single tear escapes his eye. He thinks about the first time he took her to the war museum and how Melody was running wild with curiosity. How she looked up to the veteran that was there with such amazement, and the way that she said, "thank you". Another tear falls down his cheek.

He remembers the day that Melody said she was going to Syria to help with the battles. Another tear.

His heart feels like it is breaking in half. He just wants to scream out and hit something. The tears come streaming out now. All he feels is pain and sorrow. His love for his dead little girl bursting and tearing through his entire body. He stands up and paces back and forth. Melody, my Melody. He sits back down and runs his hands through his hair, making it stick up in certain spots.

Rory moves his hand to his mouse and opens a new document, his fingers slide to his keyboard and he starts to type furiously. Starting with Melody's date of birth and ending with her death; he writes the best obituary he's ever written.

He finishes and emails his work to his boss before wiping his tears off, grabbing his jacket and slamming his door closed. He walks past everyone, who all just stare at him, and into his boss's office, also known as his best friend. He stares at his boss, his hair sticking up, his clothes crinkled and his face tear stained.

"Amy just called," his boss says before Rory can even open his mouth, "go home."

Rory nods and croaks out "I wrote an obituary, it should be in your inbox." He dips his head and rushes out to his car.


Hey, Wattpaders!

Character names are based off of the TV show Doctor Who, but have no other relation to the story.

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