{uncertain, a monologue}

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

What is that noise? I open my eyes and see white walls. This isn't my room. I don't understand. Where am I? What happened? Why is it so cold? I try to sit up but my entire body groans with pain. What did I do? I take the coarse blankets off and see bandages covering my thighs. I look at my arms and see white bandages covering them too with IV cords poking out of the bandages. What happened? I look left and see a heart monitor, the line going up then down, then up then down. I look right and see a table with daises and a radio that's softly playing music. I look out the window to my left and see a bright blue sky with white puffy clouds. My stomach grumbles breaking me out of my stare; I look over to the door hoping someone will come in. I look around the room some more and see jackets on the back of the chairs and now that I think about it I can faintly smell my mother's perfume through the disinfectant. I put the blanket back over me as the door opens. A woman walks in, my parents following with food in their hands. My parents look really tired and sad. Maybe I can finally figure out what happened.


Hey, Wattpaders!

I decided to post once today (maybe twice?) because it's winter break! I will still upload my usual (not really) two posts tomorrow. I'm working on some new stories and I hope you'll like them!

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May your writing, or reading, be as marvellous as you are!


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