{the life of an average teenager, a short story}

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Back in her bedroom Juliette tosses her bag onto the floor. She pulls out her phone and connects it to her Bluetooth speaker before selecting the song Papaoutai by Stromae. She turns it so the bass blares like the thunder of an oncoming storm. She stands up and starts to dance, her feet pounding on her plush mat that peaks out from under her bed. After awhile of jamming out to Stromae, Juliette decides that she should start to do some of her homework.

Juliette grabs her Psychology binder and textbook and gets to work.

Three hours later, Juliette has papers all over her desk, is freezing, has a headache and has barely gotten anywhere with her homework. She stands and stretches; walking over to her window she opens it to let the evening breeze blow through her room. She breathes in the smell of evening dew settling on the freshly mown grass, the aroma that most small towns have around this time of the year.

Juliette walks downstairs and makes herself some hot matcha green tea. As she walks back to her room, she takes a sip of the steaming tea and feels the sweetness as it dances over her tongue and spreads warmth throughout her body.

She sets her now empty tea down on her bedside table and flops down onto her bouncy queen sized bed. Juliette crawls under the blanket and tries to sleep away her headache.

2 Hours Later...

Juliette wakes up feeling very refreshed, her headache gone. Suddenly, she snaps up into a sitting position remembering that she has a huge midterm test tomorrow in Chemistry. She gets to work, attempting to organize herself. Laying papers out all over her desk, she tries to study from her messy notes.

After awhile Juliette's stomach starts to growl at her, that's when she realizes that it's 9pm and she hasn't eaten anything. As she walks to the kitchen she wonders why her mom didn't call her down for supper before remembering that her parents are away on a business meeting. She decides to make some Kraft Dinner and takes it to her room.

After she finishes her supper she grabs a pen and starts to write out study notes from the information page her teacher gave her. She starts to chew on the end of her pen nervously as she stares at all she has to know for the test.

'I'm seriously going to fail this test tomorrow' she thinks to herself worryingly.

The plastic of her pen as she bites down on the cap starts to hurt her but she continues to roll it between her teeth. A tear escapes her eyes as she thinks of all the other assignments that she has to do that night. As the stress starts to settle in the tears flow out of her, loud sobs fill the room as she stares at her calendar that's covered in things to do. She turns around and forces herself to concentrate on her homework.

Finally, Juliette decides to go to bed, she checks the time after getting ready and sees that it's 1:30 in the morning. She groans and climbs into bed, hoping she will get a good sleep in the four and a half hours she has left before she has to get up for school.


Hey, Wattpaders!

I linked the song that I mentioned up above, I LOVE Stromae's music!

Sorry I didn't get to posting yesterday! I've been crazy busy with work and school.

Hope you enjoyed!

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