What they do when you're sad

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Shiro - Shiro would listen to you to talk about whatever's on you mind so he can further understand the situation. He'd then give you all the support he can to make you feel better, and let you know how much you mean to him.

Keith- Keith isn't the best with these kind if things, but he'd do his best to give you little gifts and kisses. Then try to make dumb jokes that turn out not to be as funny as he had hoped, but you'd still laugh at how cute he is.

Lance- Lance would bring the biggest blanket he could find and wrap you up. He'd then snuggle up beside you and start a huge marathon on Netflix with your favorite shows and movies. He'd try and sneek some kisses in here and there before he'd quickly poke your arm and start a game of tag.

Hunk- Hunk would bake some cookies and would write on them with icing, saying everything he loves about you to make you feel better. As you enjoy your cookies, Hunk would cradle you in his arms while explaining the reason why he chose those things about you. Then hum a little tune to calm you down.

Pidge- Pidge would list some challenges that the both of you could do, like who could find Shiro the fastest, or a robot race. She'd try her best to get your mind off of being sad and try her best to make you feel happy again.

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