Favourite physical trait about you

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Shiro - Your smile. Shiro's a sucker for great smiles and especially yours. When he sees your kind and genuine smile, he can't help but melt with sheer happiness and expose a wid grin. It makes him forget his painful past on the gulra ship and feel nothing but pure joy.

Keith - Your lips. Keith adores your lips. To him, they always look so soft and kissable. He loves to kiss you, because he feels something he's never had before, love. Keith barely had a lot of affection towards him as a child so receiving the love from you is like a dream come true.

Lance - Your Hair. Soft to the touch, Lance absolutely loves your hair. Whether its down or up, he'll always find a way to playfully tug little strands while you're not looking. Sometimes when you're cuddled up with one another, he'd braid or twirl some strands around his fingers.

Hunk - Your eyes. Goodness gracious, Hunk could stare into your eyes all day long. They're absolutely gorgeous, and they're what helps him understand your mood more just by gazing into them.

Pidge - Your Hands. As odd as it may seem, Pidge loves how delicate and small your hands are. Well compared to her they're a little larger, and sometimes colder. This would always be an excuse she'd use to ask if she can 'warm up' your hands by holding them in hers.

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