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Carl pov.
Normally I'm not this stressed out. But this time, however, is completely different. Y/n had invited me to this party that (friend) was throwing so I gladly accepted because it's better than shitting around doing fuck all. We came to her friend's house. Let me tell ya that it wasn't even nine and people were practically drunk, dancing like retards, pissing on the grass and on antiques, even smoking pot in the clear open. I think I saw someone with meth. So we're having fun, right? Dancing and stuff like normal teenagers do. That's okay, right?

But the problem started when I let Y/n slip from my vision for two seconds and as soon as I turn back; she's gone! I looked everywhere for her and alas, I found her though not in the exact condition I wanted her to be in. She was faintly laughing and every time she tried to walk, she missed a step as if her whole world was spinning. She had a big bottle of wine in her hand and some weird cherry sticker on her cheek. When I tried asking what happened she simply ran her hand down my face and giggled a bit. Ask me if I wanted to break down and have a nervous laughing fit.

Her father. Was going. To. Destroy me.

And I valued where my life has lead up to at this point. It took forever for her father to actually trust me and I let him down. The moment I even stepped up to the front gate; I was broken bones in a casket. Putting that aside, I tried to ride it out at the party until she regained some sense and so I sped up the process by peeling the cherry sticker off her face. Who even got a hold of stick-on drugs? I spent the next to hours doing the best I could to keep her out of trouble and keep my ass warm and cozy at the same time.

She was dancing on tables, drinking upside down, taking piggy back rides from strangers- she even used the kitchen counter as a slip 'n slide. When she fell off the counter she literally just popped back up and kept partying. Now that, I found extremely hilarious. Though I felt really bad for not watching her since she can't take her alcohol very well. And by very well I mean she gets drunk after the third drink. Who even gave her drinks? I literally looked at this bird that flew by and boof! She was gone!

Now fast-foward to the moment I saw her getting a bit sluggish, I immediately saw this as my cue and walked out with her. I was covered in rainbow stickers, glitter, a purple boa that this random girl gave to me when she tried to make out with me. I turned her down, though.

Anyway, Y/n was a wreck. There was beer in her hair, glitter all over her clothes, her stocking was all ripped by her thigh which I wonder how that happened because it's making my blood boil. Me finding out that someone tried to get hands-y with her is like you finding out someone ate the last Klondike bar. It's homicidal.

So I picked this heavy girl up over my shoulder and did the best I could in taking her home. Only I stopped short when I realized I couldn't bring her back in this condition. Since she's always at my house anyway, I thought I could slide with saying she wanted to spend the night at my place. When I opened the door and quietly closed it, I jumped slightly at the sound of Fiona's voice cutting into my plans to quietly sneak Y/n up the stairs.

"Home late?" She asked as if she knew what happened so I should save any excuse I was currently coming up with.

"Clearly" I said like the smart arse that I am and placed Y/n down softly on the couch. When I popped back up, Fiona was grinning at me widely. "What?"

"Are you two, like, a thing?" Fiona asked with that grin of hers growing wider- which I didn't think was possible- and like an annoying older sister, let out a little squeal.

I shrugged as if it didn't make me feel weird on the inside, but it did. "I don't know."

"Well has she said anything?" The grin faded away and now Fiona was completely into this conversation that I couldn't dodge anymore. It's not that I didn't know if I liked Y/n or not, it was more if she liked me or not. Which she never clarified, not since I confessed and even then she just smiled like nothing. Girls are annoying.

I sighed, "no"

"I'm sure she loves ya. She's gotta!" Fiona tried her best to encourage me but all I could do to satisfy her was smile for a second. "Well she loves us. And if she loves us then she's a keeper so don't fuck it up. Don't go to bed too late." She rubbed my shoulder a bit before heading up the stairs and switching off the late in the hallway.

I stood up from my chair and sat beside Y/n who was happily sleeping with her face nudged into the couch pillow. Smiling, I took off my hoodie and placed it on her resting figure, kissed her forehead, and was about to walk up the stairs when she mumbled my name. "Hm?"

It was silent for a few moments. Her eyes fluttered a bit and she was probably contemplating if to speak further or simply just sleep. After moments of waiting, I turned back to head up the stairs again until she spoke once more.

"I'm cold."

I tried to keep myself from smiling widely like the dork that I truly am and hopped down to the floor. I hopped onto the outer side of the couch and squeezed myself to fit with her. Even drunk and practically brain dead, Y/n was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. The way she looked at me like I mattered is what I fell for in the first place. She moved more into my body and wrapped her arms around my waist, I welcoming her by wrapping my arms around her shoulders. 'I'm cold' is all she has to say to let me know she wants me here.

"I love you." I heard against my chest and I, again, tried to keep from acquiring a permanent face freeze, by biting my lips together.

I leaned my chin on her head. "Yea. I love you, too."


How was that? Was it corny or...? I don't know cause I'm terrible at trying to right non-cliche material. Lol, but I hope you enjoyed my first Carl Gallagher one shot. I take requests so don't be shy and let me know what I can improve or what would keep you more interested in this book. I also write chapters dedicated to certain users so if you wanna do that just pm me. Send me lots of feedback and please;

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