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...the librarian "shhh no talking" Armin nodded towards her and whispered to you

"i don't think this would be a good place to plan, we can discuss this after school."

You nodded and walked towards the book shelves "can we at least find books?" Armin smiled and walked towards you and the book shelves. For the rest of lunch you and Armin talked about books and discussed your thoughts on the plot and other things.

                                         *in your last class of the day*

"okay so tonight you will have to read page 12 to page 30, be careful because I will have a pop quiz on what you read tomorrow." your teacher said right before the school bell rang "be safe enjoy the rest of your day !!" you gathered your things and walked out the classroom, while walking through the halls you looked for your little coconut head friend Armin.

suddenly some one tapped your shoulder, you turned around and came face to face with Armin
"oh hey i was looking for you!"

Armin laughed "yeah, well we should get going" you nodded and followed Armin out of the school "since i cant bring you to my house can we talk about it at the park?"

you raised an eyebrow in question but went with it "yeah sure" Armin sighs in relief and starts walking to the park with you. The walk there was quiet, no not that cliché fan fiction comfortable silence, it was very awkward.

When you arrived at the park you sat down on the swings "so um we should plan when to see each other for the project and stuff?" that was the question that brought you and Armin into a three hour conversion about the project.

Something that you noticed was that every time you brought up going to his house to work on it he got nervous and just made an excuse, but you brushed it off.

when it was time to go home you offered to walk with Armin. He looked a little worried but agreed none the less.

When you got to Armin's house everything was good until a car pulled up in the drive way. Armin quickly said his goodbye and slammed the door in your face. The person in the car walked pass you like you were nothing and entered the house.

While you were walking down the driveway you hears screaming but brushed it off by saying "Knowing Armin he is probably just happy" even though deep inside you were very curious and worried you continued on your way home safely.

That night all you could think and worry about was Armin you hoped he was safe and sooner or later you fell asleep.

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