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-Jesses POV-

I left their house with sorrow in my heart, I felt awful..  While Im out here, I might aswell go see my parents.. I mean.. I havent seen them in years.. I know they probably hate me but I just want to see them one last time..

In all reality though, I didnt have much of an idea where they would be or live.. I thought back to where I lived with them as a child, thats the only place I know of they could be.. Unless they have moved but I dont know.. 

-Time Skip-

I walked down the street I once called home, I glanced at all the houses trying to see if I could identify the house I once happily lived in with my parents, It was all quite a blur though, since they passed away when I was so young..  I then a noticed a red little brick home, that was the one! I walked inside, opening and closing the gate to enter, I reached the door and stopped, sighing, not really sure what I was walking in to, I knocked on the door and waited..

I herd the door squeak open, soon to see a teen girl no older then 15.. 

"Uh.. Hello?" The girl questioned

Damn, this must be the wrong house.. 

"Hello there.. Uhm, no one by the name of Jill lives here?" Jill was my mother..

The girl raised an eyebrow

"You mean my mother?" 

I gasped, I have a sister..?

"Uhh.. Yeah.." I replied, this girl looked over her shoulder and called out

"Mother! Muuummm! Someones at the door here for you!" I herd footsteps coming closer to us, it seemed this girl had no knowledge of me, her sister..

My mother got to the door where I stood, she gasped 

"Lilah, go to your room.. And tell your father to come here.." Lilah was my sisters name, Lilah shook her head

"But mother! Im fifteen! Im sure I can be involved - " 

My, uh, our mother glared at her, the same way she glared at me if I was in trouble, Lilah quickly shut up and went and sent our father over..

My dear father.. Ken.. Both of them had aged quite a bit but they still looked pretty good for their age..

He got to the door where my mother and I stood, he glared at me

"Well, if it isnt our disgrace of a daughter.." He said quite confidently, I crossed my arms annoyed at his statement

"Honey.. Its been years since we last seen our daughter! Be polite!" Jill, my mother argued, he rolled his eyes

"Have you gotten rid of that idiot yet? Done doing drugs? Murdering? Thieving?" My father was pissed, I could see the anger yet sadness in his eyes, my mother shoved my father as if to say shut up.. I didnt feel welcomed here either ..

I felt myself starting to tear up, my eyes started to water...

"Why are you crying!? You brought this upon yourself..!" My mother shoved my father again

"Jesse.. Honey, we will always be here for you, whether you are the most wanted criminal or not but theres not much we can do for you till you leave that fool..!" When I herd my father grunt out 

"Im not here for you till you leave such a moron and quit doing such stupid shit.." My mother sighed..

"Ken! Cool it! Go back inside if you cant keep your bloody mouth contained!" My father rolled his eyes before storming back inside while mumbling out 

"Im going to go see my daughter Im actually proud of!" 

My mother glanced at me with sorrow in her eyes

 "What brought you here, Jesse..?" I sighed 

"I just wanted to see you and father one last time.. This reality isnt real! Im the leader of The Second Order Of The Stone! I.. I.. You guys died a long time ago before Lilah was even a thought - "
She cut me off

"Jesse! What drugs are you -" My mother suddenly screamed grabbing her head

"I - Im sorry Jesse! I - Ive got go! ARGH! My head!" She screamed, slamming the door tightly shut, going to go treat her headache.. What have I done..

I left that house aswell feeling very upset


-Time Skip-

I sadly walked back to the treehouse, I glanced up at the ladder, ready to climb it when I felt someone just about tackle me to the ground, I glanced up at what I thought to be my attacker but it was.. "LUKAS!? What are you doing!?" I questioned confused, Lukas seemed excited 


Lukas yelled excitedly and enthusiastically, I questioned him again 

"Remember what Lukas..?" 

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