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-Jesses POV-

"Remember what Lukas!?" I questioned, he seemed so excited 


My mouth dropped

"Y - you remember!!??" I asked once again, Lukas pulled me up, enthusiastically replying 

"YES! I REMEMBER JESSE!" He pulled me in closer to him, resting his hands on my hips, I glanced at his hands then up into his ocean blue eyes, his lips touched mine, his soft lips reminded me of all the great times we had together before all of this, the kiss was drawn out, long, we eventually had to stop for a breath, but quickly returned back to kissing, making out actually, we eventually stopped, we stared directly into each others eyes, he smiled happily, all of my worries had gone away till the kiss had ended. I glanced down at the ground, all my emotions had sunk back into me, I rested my head against his chest, he rested one hand on my head, along with the other on my hip

"What are we going to do..?" I questioned him

Lukas replied alot more calmer 

" I remember everything Jesse, I remember how we ended up here, I also remember all the events that have and not have happened here in this world, I think we just need to find the exit portal and get out of here! Hopefully, all of our friends will also be teleported and remember or something.. I dont really know.. I seriously hope once we get out of this world, we dont remember anything because.. Petra like, has a child with Aiden.. Ridiculous!" 

I nodded agreeing in every way, I glanced back up at Lukas 

"Lets go find us a portal" 

He smiled nodding but before we could continue our journey I herd a familiar voice, I glanced over to see Aiden, looking seriously pissed off at us, Lukas choked out


"H - How long have you been standing there..?" I nervously asked, Aiden replied with fire in his soul 

"Long enough to know.. YOU CHEATED ON ME FOR A SECOND TIME WITH HIM!!" I shook my head slowly

"N - no Aiden! Its not like that!" I mumbled out when he stormed right towards us getting right in Lukas's face, Aiden was just a few inches away from Lukas's face, Lukas didnt back down either which also concerned me, Aiden spoke softly to Lukas

"This is the last time you screw around with me you idiot.." Aiden argued before striking a punch at Lukas, Lukas didnt dodge it though, taking the punch right on the chin! I jumped back nervously

"Aiden! NO!" I cried out but he didnt care, it seemed like Lukas had froze for a second before absolutely launching at Aiden, this ugly brawl was on!

I screamed trying to break up the argument but they were like two feral cats! I tried to pull Lukas away but I dont know who, but someone must of accidentally shoved me away and that sure as hell didnt tickle but I didnt give up! I glanced around trying to find something thatd break up this fight, I noticed I still had my sword.. I could use it striking Aiden down and hopefully convince Lukas to run with me, so thats exactly what I did, I striked Aiden on the head, making him jump back, his head started bleeding which I felt bad about but there was no time to feel sorry, as I hit him, I grabbed Lukas's arm

"Quit wasting time! Lets go!" I argued, Lukas glared down at Aiden before running off with me..

-Time Skip-

We are exhausted from running, there was a park we seen, I coughed out to Lukas

"I think thats a reasonably safe place to relax!" I pointed over to the park, Lukas shook his head 

"Not really, considering we are criminals but whatever, Im exhausted!" 

I collapsed on a swing, just sitting on it, Lukas sat on the other one tired. I glanced over to him noticing his didnt look real good after that punch up, I stood up

"Where are you going?" Lukas asked, I smirked and kneeled down in front of him 

"You dont look real good.." I told him, Lukas replied

"Glad I have my charming personality then to win you over!" I rolled my eyes and giggled, wiping away the blood on his face, he sat there happily while I attempted to smudge it all off when I felt someone tap on my shoulder, I spun around to see Fable and Lilah..?

I raised an eyebrow confused

"What are you girls doing here..?" I questioned while Lukas stared confused, Lilah replied

"Uhm.. We dont think you are crazy Jesse like everyone says you are, Im proud to call you my sister but uh.. How do I word this? We know what you are looking for.." 

Fable cut off Lilah

"The exit portal and we know where it is.. " 

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