Souls falling apart

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-Lukas's POV-

I could feel myself wakening..

Argh.. Where am I..? I opened my eyes to see I was laying down, I went to sit up when I felt an excruciating pain in my stomach, I grabbed my stomach in pain.. Well I wasnt dead but I still had my wound.. I glanced around weakly..

Jesse.. Wheres Jesse!? I looked around in a panic and started calling for her

" J - Jesse!? JESSE!" 

I could hear faint footsteps, I was feeling pretty concerned when I seen Petra, they were Petra's footsteps

" Lukas! Shhh! You need to shut up and stay quiet! We are hiding in this cave! Remember?" 

I nodded before remembering Jesse!

" Wheres Jesse!??" 

I could tell by Petra's facial expression wherever she was, it wasnt good, I bit my lip..

Petras eyes seemed to be filled with sorrow..

-Jesses POV- 

Ugh.. Where am I..? I opened my eyes to see I was still against a wall in the same cave..? It was all a dream..? I glanced to the left to see Lukas sitting besides me, completely unharmed.. It couldnt of been a dream! It was all so real! 

I shook Lukas awake, he opened his eyes panicked

"Are you okay!? Whats wrong!!??" I slowly nodded

"I - Is the order back yet..?" 

Lukas nodded

"They brought back a potion to heal you, how are you feeling?"

I replied

"I.. I had an awful dream you were stabbed and.. and.. Ugh, it was just a dream, please do bring me the potion though! I feel like Ive gotten worse.."

He nodded and stood up going to go get the potion, I was left there by myself waiting..

I wasnt lying when I said I had gotten worse.. Every muscle, vein, piece of skin and body part felt like it had been hit by a damn bus, I could probably walk but Id seriously struggle.. Hopefully that potion Lukas has gone to get will actually help me..

-Replica Of Lukas-

Yes..! She has fallen for it, time to go tell Fable and 'Ivor' the news, gotta be quick though or Jesse will suspect something..

I went further into the cave soon to see Fable and 'Ivor' 

Fable had a gorgeous evil grin on her face

"Did she fall for it?" Fable asked me, I nodded

"She talked herself into believing it was all a dream! Pass me the potion 'Ivor' "

'Ivor' chuckled and threw me the potion.

"Just make sure she drinks the entire potion!Dont even let her spill a drop! And then itll easily affect Jesse so her symptoms will kick in more faster and her soul will exit her body much faster!" 

I nodded

  Fable grabbed my face, pulling me down to hers

"Good job" She told me before connecting her lips to mine, it was short and sweet but whatever, such a tease she is! As she released me, she sarcastically punched me

"Now, go get ya woman!" She chuckled, I rolled my eyes and smirked before walking off to go finish what we started..

 -Jesses POV-

Ugh.. I weakly glanced up to see Lukas, I weakly smiled

"Here, dont spill a drop otherwise you wont get better.." I nodded and grabbed the potion, drinking it, I got a taste of it and stopped drinking it

"Uhm.. Lukas.. This.. This doesnt taste like a potion that would heal you..?" Lukas smiled

"Because its custom made, you are not just a little hurt.. Your soul wants to leave your body along with another potion running through you.. Its not a regular healing potion Jesse.."

I shook my head

"I know its not the regular healing potion but.. I swear I can taste an ingredient that tastes nearly identical to an ingredient in the potion of harming.." 

Lukas nervously smirked

"Jesse.. Its not the regular healing potion! Its going to require different ingredients.. Now.. Now just take the damn potion before you get worse!" 

I sighed and drank it..

I tasted the awful potion and drank it all, not spilling a drop.. I started coughing, it tasted horrid, it felt like my breathing started to be restricted! I glanced over at Lukas who was still sitting beside me, I held my throat in pain

"Wha.. Wha.. *cough* Whats happening to me!?" I managed to choke out, Lukas smirked 

"You fool.. You fell for it again!" He stood up and looked down upon me and I struggled for air, my face felt like it was getting hotter and hotter.. I glanced up at Lukas with sorrow in my eyes

"W - Wha..t?" I coughed again

He leaned right down to my face and whispered right in my ear

"Im Lukas's replica" I glared at who I thought was Lukas, he stood back up 

"So, what you just drank will make all your symptoms kick in faster so your soul leaves your body because it seems you keep managing to escape!" 

I wanted to cry but I simply couldnt.. I knew that potion had something up with it!

I seen the cave get darker and darker as I lost my vision, I was out again.. Passed out..

-Time Skip-

I felt myself awaken but.. I couldnt move!? I started to freak out.. On the inside that is, I felt paralysed like, I couldnt move, no matter how hard I try, I couldnt talk or anything.. Help..

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