Chapter 1: Caught

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Naruto growled as the stupid bastard, Sasuke Uchiha, kicked her in the chest. Her chest may have been bound and disguised with the transformation jutsu or 'henge' to look like boy's chest but the blow still hurt like hell.

'Just bare through it Naruto. Don't let him get to you-- don't show your true colors. Act like the dumbass everyone thinks you are.'

She chided herself then grit her teeth-- glaring daggers at Sasuke. What sucked most was she knew that if she were acting as herself she could totally kick that Uchiha's ass.

"I'll get you, dattebayo! Come here stupid!" She bellowed in the most masculine voice she had mastered over the years.

Then Naruto attacked head on, making her next punch as obvious as possible. Just as she thought, Sasuke caught it, grabbed her arm, and threw her over his shoulder. She hit the ground with a breath taking 'oof' and tried to choke in air. That hurt a lot more than she had anticipated. Still she shot up and swung a kick around-- catching Sasuke in the stomach and knocking him back on his ass. Her eyes widened, that was not what she had intended to do. She had gotten too mad-- acting on instinct instead of her guise as dead last. Sasuke gave her a death glare from the ground. She was in for it now.

Naruto dodged left narrowly missing a hook punch that would have caught her cheek. She ducked and flipped backward as Sasuke relentlessly attacked her head on. She may have been trying to look like she sucked at Taijutsu but there was no way in hell she would let that bastard Uchiha bruise her more than she needed to be. Naruto was lucky she was small and fast as she could easily slide under and between Sasuke's legs to get away. Though not quick enough as Sasuke grabbed the back of her large baggy orange jacket-- accidentally ripping it off her body.

She gasped and instantly moved to cover her body. Then Naruto remembered that she had a henge on so only a males body was showing; but it was too late. Sasuke tackled her to the rough ground, knocking the wind out of her.

Holding her in place-- he smirked as Iruka announced the Uchiha as the winner. Naruto scowled as the "Sasuke fan-girls" of the academy giggled while some of the guys laughed at her defeat.

To hell with all of them! They had no idea who she really was how she could really fight-- no one did. Only four people knew her existence as a girl. The Hokage who issued the order, Iruka-sensei who was supposed to protect her while she was at school, and then Ayame and Tuechi who just figured it out after being around for so many years.

      Aside from that, all she knew was that she had to hide her gender for some reason that the Hokage and Iruka refused to disclose to her.

Naruto knew though, subconsciously she knew it was because she was born a girl. She could tell by the way they treated her like she was glass and when she pretended to be a boy she was suddenly made of stone. For god's sake the girl was already hard as steal with the shit she's been through: no parents, hated by everyone, constantly having to protect herself. Besides it's not like they we're treating any of the other Kunoichi the same way. Of course, as always, Naruto was always different from everyone else.

'It's because of me Kit.' A deep voice spoke suddenly.

Naruto jumped, receiving strange looks from her classmates when she squeaked out loud. Naruto blushed and hurried past them and down the hall.

'Geez, Kurama. You didn't have to scare me.' Naruto spoke to the beast in her mind, a giant --and rude- fox she had found out was sealed inside her a couple months after she 'became' a boy.

'I'm not gonna apologize, you're the dumbass who forgets I live inside you.' He insulted. Though he was mean, Naruto knew the fox didn't mean anything by his words, she thought of him often as a tsundere-fox.

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