Chapter 34: Terror

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A day into the exam and Naruto was already bored, "Man, it's been 24 hours and no one has crossed our path. What are we gonna do if we get to the tower and don't have scroll?" Naruto whined.

Sasuke tsked in annoyance. "Naruto, we won't. Just calm down, we are bound to run into someone."

Sakura nodded, "Sasuke's right. Stop complaining already."

"I know but I'm just soooo bored." Naruto drew out the syllables of her words, swinging her body back and forth dramatically.

"I can play with you if you're bored, Naruto-kun." A voice called out from across the clearing they were in.

The three genin pushed backwards defensively.

"Who are you? How do you know my name, dattebayo?" Naruto growled.

A tall woman stood before them, she had dark hair that hung around her face like a black veil and an unbelievably creepy smile on her face. Around her foredhead was another village's head band.

"You need not know my name. Name's aren't important when it comes to fun." She said, licking her lips.

"What? That makes no sense you crazy bastard, but if you want a fight come at me." Naruto grinned, stepping ahead of her team.

"Naru, don't be stupid and go at her alone." Sasuke muttered, keeping his eyes trained on the mysterious woman.

"Yeah don't forget that we have your back." Sakura said, taking her place on Naruto's other side.

Naruto smirked, "I know."

'Don't! Kit, get away from this thing immediately.' Kurama instructed fast, pulling Naruto's body back into her teammates.

"Whoa, Naru." Sakura said, catching her friend as she ran into her.

'Kurama, what's going on?' Naruto asked, confusion crossing her face.

'You and you're team need to run immediately, NOW!' Kurama yelled.

"Okay time to leave, we need to go." Naruto said, pushing her teammates back.

"What do you mean, Naruto? What happened to fighting?" Sasuke asked with hard concerned look.

Naruto gave him a look of fear, "No time to explain but Kurama said, go so we are going now, dattebayo!" The blonde quickly turned and pushed her team into the forest. "Let's go!" She hurried.

Her friends nodded and they ran forward, not sparing another look back at the mysterious woman.

The woman stood still with a wide malicious grin, "Not so fast dearies."

Her hands came together fast in a calculated series of hand signs. She slammed her open hand to the ground and seals errupted from her hands in a circle. From the seals slithered a huge purple snake, it looked back to it's summoner silently.

"What do you want, Orochimaru-sama." The snake snapped in a low rumble.

Orochimaru licked his lips once more in perverted excitement, "Catch the blonde foxy for me, get him away from Sasuke-kun and the girl. Kill him if you have too."

The snake nodded, and shot off in the direction of Team 7, slithering fast between the small opening of the tree's despite its large size.


"Naruto, who is Kurama?" Sasuke asked as the three genin still ran in the opposite direction of the creepy stranger.

Naruto sighed, "Please. You must never let anyone know I told you guys this, it's serious and treason."

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