My fault.

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As I watched your body,

Swinging from that railing,

My mouth hanging open in awe.

I sit here wondering,

Where did I go wrong.

Your blood had has been on my hands,

Since the day I said hello.

Though we both ignored the feeling,

We thought neither of us would let go.

Now that rope,

Tightened around your neck,

Is a leash.

Once put on,

You'll never get to be free.

We had made a silent promise,

That we would not say

If we were hurt,

Afraid that the other would not care.

Every unspoken word,

Could have kept this away,

But we were quiet,


And now we both have to pay.

Your hands cold,

Like ice on my skin.

I wish you would have let me in.

The dark in your mind,

Out shined,


It put you in a cage,

Like the words behind your teeth.

The ones you would not speak.

You were afraid,

I understand.

But I know,

This isn't what you had planned.

My eyes wide,

Shocked into fury.

You told me,

That I had nothing of that to worry.

You lied.

I would have been there,

And I would have slowly untied that knot,

As the river from your eyes,

Fell upon the floor.

I would have helped you open

That dark,

Locked door.

Your demons and mine would dance,

Our tears,

Would become our pain and grief.

Leaving our bodies,

We could finally breath.

But that's not what happened,

You're dead...

I can't bring you back,

I didn't know,

You had such a dark head.

As I watched your body swing,

From that railing,

My mouth hanging open in awe.

I now understand,

Where I went wrong.

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