Therapy (not good)

27 2 9

You sit there,

Tapping your pen.

The reflection of your notes

In your glasses lense,

As you ask me how I have been.

I look at you,

Your brown eyes emotionless

As questions fly out of your mouth.

I lie through chained teeth,

Confined to my mind.

Like strings moving my mouth,

Not able to say what I want.

I've been good.

No bad thoughts or doings.

I think I'm fine.

I hold back tears.

My mind on fire,

It has been for years,

I've felt completely worthless,

And still think suicide is the best way,

But I don't want to die...

My mind in a loop,

My thoughts on the rollercoaster

Going around and around.

They said to get help and talk it out,

How can I tell my problems

To a complete stranger,

When I can't even tell my feiends?

The way I feel is unexplainable,


Not fixable!

Getting up in morning is hard,

But you don't care,

You haven't from the start.

The money you get

is all you care about.

My health and mental state,

Are meaningless

So tell me again,

Why am I here,

Talking to a stupid therapist?

You know you don't care,

You never have and never will.

If I told you how I felt,

How I REALLY felt,

Your brain might just melt....

The things I feel,

The things I think,

I'm on the very brink

Of giving up.....

Once again,

Just one more time,

Why I'm here,

While people tell me,

"You just have to climb."

I can only go up right,

But here's the thing,

I'm afraid of heights....

So you can try to help me,

And pull me out of this mess,

But to me,

You'll always be an emotionless


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