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everyone had split up into little groups.

Newt and Marie were one, Queenie and Jacob were another, and Tina decided to go off on her own, to see if there was anything she could do at the office to help.

Marie and Newt walked side by side, Newts brief case in his hand, Marie's wand tucked tightly in her coat pocket in need of an emergency.

everyone had no way of communicating, so they simply improvised. Queenie and Tina had enchanted bags with them that made things easier for them to catch the beasts.

Newt and Marie wandered the city mindlessly, forgetting all about the hunt for his creatures that had gone missing.

"Look!" Marie pointed up at the Statue of Liberty, seeing it for the first time in person was magical.

"Woah!" Newt was taken aback by it all. He was shocked to see something so large, it felt inhumane to him.

Marie smiled childishly at his amusement, and tugged on his arm, continuing his tour of the city.

"Everything here is just so fascinating!" he exclaimed.

"I know! It's one of the main reasons i decided to move here." She told him.

They boarded a ferry boat that took them across to another part of the city. Newt took Marie's hand in his, and she intertwined their fingers.

The two of them didn't acknowledge it to one another, but it was visible through the tint that was hidden on their cheeks.

Marie kept her hand intertwined with his, and placed her other hand on his forearm. She walked around to every part on the ferry, excited to see every angle of the land that followed their route.

"This is so much better than magic."

Meanwhile, Queenie and Jacob had been looking furiously for the beasts that roamed the city.

"They gotta be around here somewhere honey!" Queenie exlclaimed, growing frustrated and impatient.

"Relax, calm down, i'm sure they're around here somewhere." He said reassuringly.

Jacob and Queenie searched almost every ally in New York, and were still left empty handed.

Soon, they returned back empty handed at Queenie and Tina's apartment.

Tina went to her office, downstairs and searched every file cabinet that she could. She thought of almost every place that could possibly have something that could help them. And there was.

Tina looked at old reports. Reports that showed destruction that occurred among New York anonymously. Tina knew that it obviously had to do with the beasts, and she wasn't too pleased.

She brought the paper back to her apartment and explained everything to Jacob and Queenie. All three of them were wait on Newt and Marie.

Marie stood at the front of the boat, peering over the ledge, fascinated by the water.

Wind blew her hair in almost a perfect motion.

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