Chapter 28

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Chapter 28
I didn't know what I was going to do. Every step I took towards the classroom made me more and more nervous. I couldn't face Elliott this soon. He'd break down once he saw me, demanding for an explanation. Hopefully not in the middle of class. But I knew he wasn't that stupid, so I hoped for the best.

I reached out and grabbed the silver handle, then turned and pried the door open. The sounds of talking and laughing filled my ears as I entered the room, keeping my head down. I managed not to look at him all the way to my seat. His eyes burned into me and I blinked back the tears, forcing myself not to cry. I didn't know if I was going to survive this.

The bell rang and the class became quiet. Elliott- or, Mr. Taylor now- stood up from his desk and paced the front of the classroom slowly.

"I have another project for you all," he said. The class remained quiet and he stopped pacing, turning towards the anxious students. "And it's a fun project."

A few of the students looked at one another, and others groaned. 

"I want you to write a poem on your favorite thing." He forced a smile, and I felt my heart beat faster."It can be about football. It can be about painting...." He gazed at me, and I couldn't find the strength to look away from him. "Or it can be about someone you love."

Someone raised their hand, forcing him to break eye contact with me. I sent a silent thanks to my classmate, because if he wouldn't have looked away, he would've seen the tears finally fall. I wiped them away fast with my jacket sleeve, hoping nobody saw.

"Yes Marcie?"

"It can be about anything?" she asked, narrowing her eyes and smiling.

"Withing reason," he chuckled. "Which means school appropriate."

She sighed, falling back in her seat and crossing her arms. "Well, you just sucked the fun out of this assignment."

"Oh, come on now!" he said, trying to excite her.

We couldn't hear her reply, because the door to the classroom swung open. I thought it was going to be Hunter again, on another drunk rampage, trying to reveal mine and Mr. Taylor's dirty little secret, which, by the way, was no more, thanks to him. But it wasn't Hunter. It was someone way worse.

"Elliott! I demand an explaination!" Amanda screamed, stomping into the room. Mr. Taylor spun towards her, eyes going wide.

"Amanda, what are you doing here?" he asked frantically. I tensed, trying to hide myself as much as possible so she wouldn't notice me.

"What am I doing here?" she yelled. "You've been cheating on me and I want to know why!"

My eyes widened. She still thought they were together? Rage burned through my body, but I restrained myself, not wanting to cause a scene.

"Amanda," Mr. Taylor said in a low voice. "Not now. I'm in the middle of class."

"I don't give a fuck-"

She stopped talking, and I looked up. She was staring straight at me, eyes wide with shock. Her mouth was open, gaping slightly, but then she curved her lips into an evil smile and narrowed her eyes. Ignoring Mr. Taylor, she walked around him and approached me. 

"Here's the little skank," she said accusingly. She pointed a well-manicured nail at me. "The one you've been banging behind my back."

My mouth fell open and I froze. All eyes were on me, making me feel uncomfortable. I finally gulped and blinked. "I think you have me confused with.... someone else," I stammered.

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