Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

~11 Months Later~

I waited with anticipation as the plane landed onto the long asphalt runway. The sun was high in the sky, shining brightly down on the airport. I glanced over at Chloe. She was looking out the window with a wide grin on her face.

"Ready?" I asked her. She nodded without looking at me. Of course she was ready. A hundred yards away from us in the airport were her family and Daniel. But I knew exactly how she felt. My family was probably with hers. Everyone was there- everyone except Elliott. We both agreed before I left Italy that he would see me later that night. My parents still didn't know about him, and I knew that it would come out sooner or later.

The plane finally landed and stopped next to the airport. Chloe and I got up, retrieved our bags from the overhead shelf, and followed the line of people out of the plane. We walked next to each other along the tunnel, and my stomach had butterflies in it. I was finally back in Ohio- hell, I was finally back in America, where I could speak English and not have to struggle with the difficult Italian words.

We made it to the edge of the gate and looked around. I was surprised to see how crowded it was. People from behind us got frustrated and went around, giving us dirty looks  as they passed. I was too tired to return the looks, though. Crabby travelers didn't deserve the satisfaction of me returning a dirty look.


I looked to my right just in time to be tackled by a boy about six feet tall. He was tan and had brown hair.

"Ah!" I exclaimed, taking a few steps back. I looked at the boy and widened my eyes. "Josh?"

"How could you not recognize your own brother?" he laughed. I laughed with him and gave him a tight hug. From over his shoulder I could see my parents weaving through the crowd of people, and Chloe's parents followed with Daniel trailing.

"Mom, dad!" I shouted, releasing Josh and running to them. I almost halted from slight astonishment. My mom's hair had grey hair, and my dad's stubble went from pitch black to salt-and-pepper color. They also earned a few wrinkles, but they weren't a big thing. Then again, I hadn't seen them in a year.

"Avery!" my mom said, throwing her arms around me. She squeezed me, and I returned the embrace. My dad was next, and I hugged him just as hard. Next to us, Chloe and her parents were hugging, and then she finally got to Daniel. From over my father's shoulder, I saw them kiss. My smile became smaller. I longed to see Elliott, but I knew he had to wait.

My mom grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me up and down. She put her hand to her mouth and looked as if she was about to cry. "Look at you! You've changed! You're tan, and you're hair is lighter! And you grew!"

I laughed and hugged her again, grateful to be reunited with my family after a year.


"So how was Italy?" my dad said from the driver's seat.

"Fantastic!" I said brightly. "I had so much fun!"

"Did you learn any Italian?" Josh asked.

"You mean did I learn Italian?" I laughed, correcting him. "Yes, I did."

"Well do on," my mom said, looking back at me. "Say something!"

"Uh, okay..." I said, thinking of what to say. "In Italia, sono andato alla Cappella Sistina e vide Leonardo de Vinci bellissimi dipinti dal Rinascimento."

"What'd you say?" Josh asked eagerly.

"I said: In Italy, I went to the Sistine Chapel and saw Leonardo de Vinci's beautiful paintings from the Renaissance," I replied proudly.

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