Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

*Six Months Later*

"Kendal Hudges."

Excitement welled up inside me. The smooth material on the gown I was wearing brushed against my skin, giving it a tingling feeling. It was finally graduation, and I couldn't wait for my turn to come around. It would take a while, though, considering my last name was Winters, and there were over seven-hundred seniors this year.

The whole gymnasium was filled. I was thankful for it being a college gym; this many people wouldn't have been able to fit into the high school gym. Probably not even half.

My eyes searched the crowd of over one-thousand people sitting in the bleachers. Parents, friends, and other family filled the seats. My eyes, however, weren't searching for any family or friends. I gave a small smile when my fingers found the silver ring on the chain around my neck. Elliott told me he was coming today- he said he wouldn't miss this for anything. I looked over to a waving hand in the crowd. It was Josh, waving at me. I gave him a tiny wave, smiled at my parents, and turned to look at the other side of the gym.

"Chloe Huntt."

I cheered along with the crowd, ,clapping for my best friend. Chloe walked across the stage in her black, satin gown, shook hands, took her diploma, then smiled for the oncoming picture. When she walked off of the stage, I continued my search for Elliott. My eyes flickered from face to face, and then I finally saw him.

He was standing, leaning up against the wall behind some teachers. I realized he'd been watching me after I saw him smile wider. I gave him a wave, and he winked back. My gaze went back towards the stage, and I heaved a sigh. In a week, my parents would be leaving. Elliott and I made plans to sleep at his house a few night before I left for Italy. I was nervous, but excited nonetheless. 

Another hour went by, and I was finally up on the stage.

"Avery Winters."

I walked along the stage, shook some hands, then finally received my diploma from the principal. He smiled at me, then shook my hand and smiled for the picture. I smiled as well, and tried not to blink at the bright flash that came along with the picture. Stepping off of the stage, I went back to my seat. A few more kids got their diplomas as well, then the ceremony was done. We threw our tassels into the air, then everyone cheered. All of the students were hugging each other, and everyone was crying happily.

I found my family fast. My mom and dad were both crying, giving me hugs and kisses. Josh gave me a high five, trying to maintain his 'cool'.

"Oh, my baby is growing up," my mom said, putting her hand on her chest and smiling at me.
I shrugged sheepishly. "I'll miss high school, I'm not gonna lie," I admitted. "But I'm finally free!"

"Hell yeah we are!"

I heard Chloe's voice before she threw her arms around me from the back.

"Hey, Chloe!" I said happily. I hugged her back and we jumped with excitement. "First graduation, next stop, Italy!"

"Hell yeah!"


*One week later*

"Bye mom," I said, giving her a tight hug. "I love you so much."

"Oh, honey I love you, too," she said, trying to hold in her tears.

I had never thought about it before, but I wasn't going to see my mom for a little more than a year. This was the last time I would get to hug her for a long time, so I held the hug where it was, inhaling her sweet, lavender perfume.

"I'll miss you guys so much," I said as my dad joined into the hug. I wrapped one of my arms around him and held onto him tightly. I tried not to cry, but the tears escaped from my eyes before I could stop them. "I love you two."

"We love you too, Avery," my dad said, patting me on the bad. We all finally all let go of each other when Josh walked over with his carry-on bag. Without his permission, I brough him into a tight hug.

"Hey!" he protested. "Avery, let go!"

"Oh come on, I'm gonna miss you, little brother," I said, smiling.

He sighed and hugged back. "I'm gonna miss you, too." He returned the hug, then wriggled out of my arms. I rolled my eyes and turned towards my family.

"Flight six twenty-two is now boarding," a voice said into an intercom.

"That's us," my mom sighed.

I gave my parents one last hug each, then ruffled Josh's hair, much to his annoyance. "Bye, you guys. I'll see you soon."

"Goodbye Avery," they said. They picked up their carry-on bags and disappeared down the boarding tunnel. I couldn't help but feel upset about not seeing my family for a year. I was going to miss them- including Josh. But at least I had Elliott for the time being. And Chloe; she was the next closest thing to family I had right now.

I sat in the set facing the window. The plan rested in front of me. The only thing separating me from it was the two inch-thick glass five feet away from me. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. It was five forty-five in the morning. The sun wasn't even beginning to come up yet. I stifled a yawn and put my phone back into my pocket. Elliott was probably still asleep, so calling him wouldn't do any good right now, same as Chloe. Although I know if I told her I needed her, she would be here in a split-second.

Fifteen minutes later, they closed the doors to the plane, and it began pulling away from the airport's window. I wiped a tear from my cheek and watched it go.

"Bye guys," I whispered to no one. "I love you."

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