Chapter 40

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Chapter 40
The next month was a blur to me. Walking around, trying to get on with my life... everything felt different to me. I wasn't as fun as I used to be, and I was cold and way too harsh at times, even if I didn't mean to be. It occurred to me that Elliott's impact on my life was the thing that made me happier.

I haven't seen Elliott since leaving the hospital. I was informed by the doctor that they released him two days later- and that he went home with Amanda. No doubt he has kissed her, and held her, and practically loved her like he loved me before all of this. Every night, laying down in bed, I would begin to cry because I felt that if I had never gone to Italy, this would have never happened. Chloe slapped me at one point, telling me that it wasn't my fault. It surprised me, but I realized she was right. Over the few weeks, my feelings for him had grown from love to anger and loathing. I had grown bitter about relationships, feeling heartbroken each time I saw affection in anyone's eyes.

And now I was here, packing my room up my room to leave for college. I looked around my room, seeing the once-covered walls now bare and plain. My mom walked into my room, carrying a shopping bag with a new bedspread set. I thanked her and pulled it out of the bag. The design was white swirls and flowers on a bamboo-green color.

"Do you like it?" she asked with a hopeful look.

I smiled at her and kissed her cheek. "Yes, I love it. Thank you, mom."

She nodded and left the room once more. I set the bed set down on my bed and looked in the mirror. Was I really going to leave again? I hadn't planned on going all the way to Florida for college. I had planned that a community college would be enough for me, living with my parents and staying close to Elliott. But everything changed, and I felt like being as far away from everyone as possible- including my family. I was going to miss them, yes, but I feel like starting over would be the best thing for me.

"Avery, when are you leaving? Did you decide on tonight or early in the morning?" my mom called from downstairs.

"I'm leaving in two hours," I called back to her. She didn't respond, so I picked up the last box that rested on my bed and made my way down the stairs. I managed to get the front door open and get to my car to put the box into it.

"Avery, phone." My mom handed the house phone to me and I put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I said non-enthusiastically.  


I almost dropped the phone when I heard his voice. I inhaled sharply and my eyes widened. "E-Elliot?"

"Avery," he repeated. "Is that you?"

I swallowed and blinked back tears. "It is."

"Avery, I need to see you."

This took me by total surprise. Last time I checked, he didn't want to see me ever again. "Why?" I whispered. "You don't remember-"

"Yes, I do," he interrupted, sounding frantic and frustrated. "I need to know that you're still here."

I took another gulp and shifted the phone from one ear to the other. "Yes," I answered. "But not for long. I'm leaving."

"Where?" he demanded angrily. "Avery, you can't leave me again!"

"What ever happened to not wanting to see me again?!" I yelled over the phone.

"Avery, I remember everything. I don't know what I was thinking- just please Avery," he said.

I needed to see him, I knew that. But for some reason I felt like it would hurt way too much. "Elliott, just continue living your life with Amanda," I said. It took me every ounce of strength I had to say that to him, because honestly, all I wanted to do was see him. "I'm leaving Ohio, probably never coming back. I'm starting over, because I need to forget about everything."

"Avery," he whispered. "Please don't. Where are you? I'm coming to see you, just tell me where you are."

"It's too late, Elliott," I said, giving a slight chuckle at the irony. "Forget about me, okay?"

"Avery, don't say that. Please. It's not my fault that I lost my memory! You can't blame me for that!"

"I never said I did," I told him. "But besides, we should've never began our relationship in the first place. I was your student, and you were my teacher."

He was silent for what felt like forever. I heard his shaky breathing from the other end of the phone. He was crying. "Avery..."

"I'm sorry, Elliott. But forget about me. Live your life the way you want to live it. That's what I want for you."

"Avery, please, just tell me where you-"

"Goodbye Elliott," I said with calm sympathy. I brought the phone away from my ear and hung up. Raindrops began to fall as I stared at the phone. I couldn't tell the difference between my tears and the raindrops as they fell onto the phone. Hugging my stomach, I backed up against my car and slid to the ground. I don't know how long I cried there, but I remember my mother coming out and bringing me inside, not asking what was wrong. I knew that it was because she already knew, though.

"I'm leaving," I said as she wrapped a warm towel around me. "Right now."

"Right now? Honey, it's raining terribly out there," she protested. "I wonder why it wasn't on the news... I don't think you should leave tonight. It's getting dark and beginning to rain harder."

"No, I'm leaving," I said. I gave her a hug. "I love you so much. Tell dad that I'll call when I get to a motel for the night." I kissed her on the cheek and she gave me a tight hug.

"I'll miss you so much," she sniffled.

"Tell Josh I said good luck in his soccer game. I love you mom." I gave her one last hug and walked out the door, leaving the towel on the floor by the front door.

I walked down the slippery sidewalk and unlocked my car. I went to open it, but was jerked back away from my car. I almost screamed, but was spun around and pushed against the car to come face to face with Elliott.

"Elliott," I whispered.

"Avery, please don't leave," he said. "I'm sorry for everything. Just please don't leave me... please..."
"Elliott," I cried. I couldn't say anything harsh to his face. I couldn't do it. I loved him too much. I wanted to take back everything right then and there. I wanted him to be mine again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"I know," he whispered. His lips were on mine in seconds, and the same spark ran throughout my body. I wrapped my arms around him and shared the kiss with him. It had been over a year since I felt his lips on mine, and I forgot how much it meant to me. I ran my fingers through his wet hair, pushing his head to mine, and he did the same thing. He pulled away and rested his forehead to mine, panting. "Please don't leave me."

I laughed slightly through the tears. It must've been the first time I'd laughed in months. I cupped his face with my hands and said, "Only if you promise to never forget me."

"Never again," he agreed. He kissed me again- the same kiss I'd been longing forever. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and swung me around. I smiled under the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt like crying, but it was a cry of mixed happy and sadness. Elliott was back in my life again, and hopefully forever. I still didn't know if it was a miracle, but I didn't care. I had Elliott again, and this time, nothing nor anyone would take him away from me ever again.

"I love you, Elliott Taylor," I whispered.

"I love you, too, Avery Winters."

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