Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"He did what?!"

I nodded, sitting in the chair at her desk. Chloe put down the magazine she was reading and crawled across the bed with wide eyes.

"Are you sure?"

I looked at her. Chloe may be smart, but that was by far the stupidest question she's ever asked. "Yes. He was on top of her, arms around her body. The whole package, Chloe."

She sighed. "I never thought Hunter, of all people, would cheat on you."

"Yeah, me either..." I looked away from her, feeling the wave of guilt crash over me. She didn't need to know that I'd been cheating as well. I looked out her window to the sun sinking lower and lower into the sky. I knew I shouldn't feel the way I did towards Mr. Taylor, but he makes it so hard for me to control my feelings.

"Well, are you going to sulk for a week or two or get back out there as soon as possible? I'll help you either way, you know that," Chloe said, looking determined.

"I don't know yet," I said. And then I smiled at her. But this time it wasn't a forced smile. It was a real smile; one that made me happy that she was my friend. She was there for me any time I needed her. But the one thing I needed help with was the one thing I had to keep from her at all costs. She couldn't know about Mr. Taylor. No one could.


I walked up to the bar and slid into the open seat next to him. Just like I had hoped, he was here, reading a book and sipping something to what I believed was Coke. He looked over at me and nodded casually, and I nodded in return. He closed the book he'd been reading and picked up his drink, then turned towards me.

"Hello, Ms. Winters," he greeted.

"Call me Avery," I said, trying to smile. I'd been avoiding everyone, with the exception of Chloe, for the rest of the week. Hunter tried to talk to me in the hallway, but Chloe was there so I wouldn't have to speak to him. She made him go away, which is what I wanted. And now all I had to do was make things right with Elliott. Or at least let him know how I felt.

"Alright then," he said. He took a sip of his drink and set the glass down. "What brings you here?"

"I thought you'd be here. It's Sunday," I answered. The bartender came up to me and asked me what I wanted, so I ordered a Diet Coke. He nodded and went away again.

"Ooooh, I see. So you want to talk to me, is that it?" he said in a teasing tone. I couldn't help but smile, and I did a terrible job of hiding it from him.

"Yeah, actually, I do," I replied, maintaining my serious tone once again. "About what happened. With us. In the classroom."

All of the playfulness left his face. "Avery, I never should've done that. We both should've never let it happen. I'm sorry-"

"Let me finish," I interrupted. He relaxed, and I took it as a sign that he'd let me speak. "After I left, I went to Hunter's house. Turns out, he's been cheating on me as well. But I think his was on purpose."

The bartender came back with my drink and set it in front of me. I nodded thanks at him and took a sip of the ice-sold soda, then tuned back to Elliott.

"Where exactly are you going with this, Avery?" he asked in a low voice.

I looked from left to right. The diner was pretty much empty. Everyone was probably at church or something, considering it was Sunday. I leaned in closer to him. "I need to tell you how I feel, Elliott. It's not the same way a student should feel for her teacher. I have feelings for you, I honestly do, no matter how hard I try and deny them."

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