Chapter 1/Introduction

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Hi! Author-Chan aka Andreea here. This is a warning! This book will contain some suicidal thoughts.
Y/N - your name
H/C - hair color
H/L - hair lengh
F/C- favorite color




<<I come home from school. If I can even call this place home... I was bullied again by those idiots...

They just had to remind me of what happened a few years ago... AGAIN!!! Why can't they just forget everything and just leave me alone...

I have my problems too!!! WHY CAN'T THEY GET THAT??

I feel so cold...

I lay down on the floor after I put the chain at the door. I stare at my feet and I feel tears forming in my eyes...

I stay there and cry for a few minutes, hugging my own legs and screaming from time to time. I want it to end... I want everything to end... Why won't it end??

I start looking around my dark apartment. I have so many beautiful yet awful memories of this place... After my parents died in that stupid car crash, I haven's seen this place as home anymore...

The only light in the room comes from my phone. My friends are texting and calling me like crazy... My two best friends... Arwen and Hikaru... They are my everything... But I'll leave them tonight...

I start sobbing louder. I look around the messy room. Alcohol bottles all around the living room and beer cans. Dammit...

I finally get up from the floor and I slowly walk to the kitchen. I get a bottle of wine and a glass and I poor some in it. I look at the glass. "Tch... Dammit..." I throw the glass and I drink straight from the bottle.

A few minutes passed and I drank the whole bottle. I chuckle. "Wow... That's a record!" I laugh at myself. "CHEERS, ANNIE!"

And I threw the bottle to the wall. "Fucking bitch..."

I think I woke somebody up because I heard a knock on my door.

I seriously don't give a shit. I'm gonna end my life right here, right now. I go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror. My e/c eyes look more tired and sadder than ever. "Hey, beautiful... I'll end your pain... Don't worry..." I said as I touched the mirror...

I go back in the kitchen. That guy is still knocking on my door. "JUST FUCK OFF!"

I grabbed my knife and I went back in the bathroom. I stare at the mirror again...

"Goodbye, y/n..."

I put the knife on my wrist and I cut...



Three times....



My whole hand is covered in blood...


I go back to the kitchen. I get all of the pills. My God... THAT GUY'S STILL KNOCKING... "DUDE, FUCK OFF, DAMMIT!"

I go back to the bathroom... I get the pills in my hand... "Goodbye... For good now... I'm sorry..." And I put them all in my mouth and swallow them all. I start choking.

My vision starts fading...

The last thing I see is a man. I heard his soft voice... "Please... Don't be dead..." His beautiful eyes.... Black hair....

Then I black out...">>


Arwen is based off of HumanityNeedsMoreTea and Hikaru is bassed off of HikaruAckerman.

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