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[completely irrelevant to the rant bUT lovely kids in a GREAT series sooo i just had to bless your screens]

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[completely irrelevant to the rant bUT lovely kids in a GREAT series sooo i just had to bless your screens]

[[warning though. this has got to be my messiest rant yet oops]]

pretty good. pretty cool. pretty smart. pretty cute.

these are what we want to hear from other people when they describe us. these are the words we want to represent ourselves so we mold our images to fit those descriptions, but i don’t get it. words stemmed from people. the definitions of these came from people so isn’t it just as possible to create your own definition of it?? perhaps we can “redefine” these words and make them friendlier or at least more sensitive and inclusive of everyone.

i’m very disappointed of our society for lots of reasons but above all, i am disgusted by the standards it has set for pretty much everything. we are exposed to systems that we feel the need to follow because they’re what we’ve all been used to. we’ve been taught to stick to the norms and to never challenge the status quo. society thinks that by forming ideals, everything will be more organized, but society is wrong. instead, it creates divisions among people. and truthfully, we are what makes up society so we are wrong.

society yearns to please society. jennifer wants to look good for steve, but steve is set on pleasing mr. and mrs. steve. mr. and mrs. steve, on the other hand, are working up the ladder to get to felicia’s spot. who knows how felicia got there. hmm, it could have involved kicking frank out of the spot.

idk if you get what i’m saying so let me explain. we like things because everyone else likes these things. and everyone else likes these things because they're what appear to be ideal or supreme. and we do everything to get these things even if it involves stepping on others on the way or forgetting the real things that matter.

moreover, it seems like we feel the need to please everyone else and it’s like we always need to get the opinion of other people before validating something. am i pretty? am i smart? do i look good? is there something wrong with me? we go to other people for answers when the only answer that really matters is our own.

i think we should stop relying on the judgment of other people to form an opinion for ourselves. it’s sickening to feel the need to adjust to what others want. please learn to stand up for yourself and do know that what they say and what they think shouldn’t matter because in the long run, only you will matter to yourself because you will be the one making decisions for yourself. lead your own life. don’t let other people lead it for you.

so there's that!! it's been months since i've posted a rant and if you think it's bc everything's been chill lately, you're wrong. I MEAN HOW CAN THINGS BE CHILL WHEN SCHOOL EXISTS ?? ik we're on the same page and i really don't want to invest more time in anything that involves school bc i've done so way too much so i won't even rant about that anymore. i'm cutting it here so goodbye and just hang in there. we'll graduate eventually :)

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