chapter 5

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The time passes and before I know it we almost reach the town. When I see the lights and the sky scrapers coming closer my heart starts beating faster cuz I don't want this evening to be over yet. There's a silence in the car and I hope Grayson is thinking about the same things. That this was more than just making out like teenagers usually do. To me it was the most beautiful night in my life so far and I never expected Grayson and I were able to talk about so many things, to laugh at so many things, to debate things we don't have the same attitude about. When I talk to him I feel like he is more interested in my words than anyone else has ever been and than anyone else could ever be. Even tho we get along and we agree with each other the most of the time.
In the background there's the radio playing a band I used to listen to a lot. I still do but in the passed few months I didn't listen to any music because school didn't leave any space for it. Grayson leans in and turns up the song volume. Then both of his hands are steering while he's tapping out the rhythm of the music with his fingers.


Close my eyes and then cross my arms
Put me in the dirt, let me dream with the stars
Throw me in a box with the oxygen off
You gave me the key then you locked every lock
When I can't breathe, I won't ask you to stop
When I can't breathe, don't call for a cop
I was naive and hopeful and lost
Now I'm aware and trapped in my thoughts, oh

What do I do? What do I do?


I turn my head to Grayson whose's eyes are reflecting the city's lights in the distance. They cast soft-edged shadows on his blump lips, his small round nouse and his jaw. When he turns to me I can see his dangly earring flashing in the dark. It's a little wing, probably the wing of an angle and it fits perfectly. I don't know any other guys wearing asymmetrical earrings so it's one of the small things you associate Grayson with.
I want to say something. I want to ask him where he wants to go to and if that's it for this evening but I don't know where to start.
Grayson's right hand is holding the clutch and I have to admit  him driving is sexy. I can't get enough of watching him having the control of something. I'm weak and I jam my hand between my legs and take a breath.

'You okay?'

'Yeah sure...' I try to hide my nervousness.

Grayson raises his hand and put it on my wrist. He grabs it and runs his thumb over it very tenderly. I open my hand and our fingers entwine. There's a feeling of protection safety and the touch of our skin causes me to get goosebumps and I breathe out. His hand holds mine tight and he doesn't cease from holding it like that.

'I hope you know I didn't want you to get in troubles.'

'Don't worry it was perfect.'

'It was?'

'Yeah. It was beautiful. And I'm glad you showed me this incredible place. I feel honored to be allowed to be privy to your little secret hideaway.'

'And I feel honored I was allowed to take you there tonight and I made you happy.'

'You definitely did. I was the happiest girl on earth tonight.'

Grayson pulls my hand to his lips and kisses it's back 2 times.

'You want this to not be over yet?' He asks me with a low voice.

'No exactly.' I whisper.

'Me neither'. Now he's whispering.

Our clothes are still dripping wet. Grayson's hair curls while it's air-drying just as mine. Every 5 seconds water drops on the seats.
We reach the city and on the sidewalks I see some boys and girls from our school hanging out. Guys are snatching some girl's phones. They're screaming and yelling at the guys to give it back. We pass the scenarios and turn into the street Aria and I were walking on this afternoon.
When we almost arrive at my house I get confused. I see no lights. Every room seems to be dark.

'Where's my mom and Aria?'

Grayson stops the car.

'Should I see you to the door? You know to make sure everything's fine?'

'Oh you don't have to.'

'Oh okay..'

'But I wouldn't mind if you did. Cuz I actually don't want to part with you and say bye.'

He smiles and we get out. When we head up to the door he's right behind me and I can't think of anything else but him being that close to me.
I unlock the door, turn on the lights and get in.

'Come in.'

I close the door behind him. I head to the kitchen looking for a note my mom could've dropped for me before she left with Aria.

'Come in Grayson you don't have to wait at the door. Anyone's home you don't have to hide or anything.'

Next to the sink there's a little note.

We went to get Mexican food. Maybe we'll bring you sth. We'll be back at 12. Xoxo

I read it under my breath and when I'm about to shout to tell Grayson I feel his hands touching the sides of my shoulders. He kisses the back of my head and then he pulls my half dried hair to the left side of my head to kiss my neck. My legs are shaking and my breath is heavy. I turn around and Grayson lifts me up to the countertop. His nails digging into my thighs while he kisses me heavily.
I grab his face and pull him closer with my legs crossed behind his back. I feel him touching my waist and my upper body. He's biting my lip lightly and his head turns slightly as he presses his mouth to mine. I can taste his breathe. It's sweet, minty, soft and worm. His tongue gently caresses my lips, electrifying.
I want this moment to never end.  I want this feeling to last forever. This tingling in my fingers and in my belly is incomparable. I never knew I could feel like that.


R.I.P. 2 My Youth

Sorry for the short chapter. I'll update soon;)

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