Chapter 7

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"Now I think it's necessary for us to have some family time."

The Barebones were all sat around their dinner table; Credence and Modesty shared a look of confusion at what their adoptive mother was saying.

Something wasn't right. Something was off with their mother, they knew that. She had never cared for 'family time' before.

"I want us all to play a game where we all name as many sins as we can, one at a time. I'll go first. Witchcraft. Modesty?"


"Good." Their mother said. "Chastity?"

"Not going to Church on Sundays."

Their mother nodded. "Credence?"

He thought for a second. "Stealing."

"Alright good, let's carry on like that. It's my turn now... Saying the Lord's name in vain." Mary Lou said.

"Sex for a reason other than procreation." Chastity added.

"And co-habitation." Modesty continued.

Everyone looked towards Credence expectantly.

"Murder?" He said uncertainly. "Unless the person is a witch... Then they deserve to die." He swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Is there any other reason, any other sin that could be committed that means that someone deserves to die?" Their mother asked. "Modesty, do you know?"

"Is it... Homosexuality?"

Colour drained from Credence's face and he clenched his hands into fists, fingernails digging into his palms as he fought the urge to throw up.

"That's correct, Modesty, well done." Their mother smirked as she turned back to face Credence again. "Did you hear that Credence? Homosexuality is a sin worthy of death. All those who practice it deserve to be punished."

There was a deadly silence as everyone stared at Credence. He didn't know what to do. He felt so exposed sat there, as he silently cursed himself.

How could she have known?

How could he have thought that she wouldn't find out?

She always finds a way.

"Take it off." His mother commanded, standing up and walking round the table to look down at her son.

He sat frozen for another few seconds before quietly mumbling an incoherent "No."

"Excuse me, what did you just say?" Mary Lou snarled.

He slammed his hands on the table, and stood up, his face mere inches from his mother's. He was taller than she was, so it was he who was looking down at her at this point.

"I said no."

"... Chastity, take Modesty outside and go and hand out some leaflets. Make yourselves useful."

Chastity silently nodded and grabbed her younger sister's hand, leading her out of the doors. Before they disappeared, Credence saw Modesty take a last look at her brother, fear in her eyes.

And then the two of them were alone.

Screaming and shouting followed. Things were thrown across the room at Credence and he ducked to avoid them.

"How dare you speak to me like that! I am your mother! How dare you do something as unspeakable as be with another man and then refuse to be punished!"

"You're not my Ma! You said it yourself!" Credence screamed back. "You've never cared about me!"

"I've given you more than enough compared to what you deserve!"

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