Chapter 6

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Grindelwald had spent days getting information out of Graves. He wouldn't speak at all for the first three days. Grindelwald tortured him, tortured him in the worst ways possible, but he wouldn't speak.

Until, on the fourth day, Graves finally told Grindelwald what he knew about the Obscurus.

But Grindelwald knew that there was something else he wasn't saying.

So he kept at it, until finally Graves told Grindelwald about the one thing he didn't want that man to know more than anything else.

He told him about Credence.

And so Grindelwald made up his mind. He was going to use polyjuice potion to assume the position of Graves and he was going to use Credence to get what he wanted.

He could use the immense power of the Obscurus to get what he wanted most in the world, the other two Deathly Hallows.

But first, he needed to get the Obscurial.

- - - - -

"Mr Graves?"


Credence ran towards the man and hugged him, burying his face in the older man's shoulder and holding onto him tightly as if never to let go.

But Graves didn't respond to the action; he didn't hug him back but instead stood frozen to the spot, as if confused and not knowing what to do.

"How would you describe our relationship, Credence?" He asked, once Credence had taken a step back to look into the other man's face.

"Uh... You're a... Friend of mine, Mr Graves. You've helped me a lot and I'm thankful for that." Credence stuttered, confused.

"Only friends, Credence?" Graves whispered softly, leaning in close towards him.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean, sir..."

"Oh I'm sure you do, Credence." And with that he leant down and pressed his lips against the boy's.

Credence froze for a second, not knowing what to do or how to react. However he soon relaxed into the embrace and leant into the other man.

After a while Graves pulled away and Credence stared at him in shock.

"Mr Graves, sir..."

Graves chuckled as Credence stuttered. "Yes?"

"Can you please heal me again?"

Graves stared in confusion. "What do you mean, 'heal' you?"

"My mother... My arms..." He rolled up his sleeves and showed the last five days' worth of beatings. "She did them because I waited so long for you." He muttered. "Where have you been?"

Graves, realising how vulnerable the boy was, ran his fingers across the marks, instantly healing them. "Important business Credence, you would do good not to question me again." There was a hint of anger in his voice.

"Yes Mr Graves. Sorry, Mr Graves." Credence bent his head in shame.

"Now have you any news about the child, Credence? Have you any news about the Obscurial?"

"No, Mr Graves." He looked up and saw something flicker in the older man's eyes. Was it anger again? "I've tried. I promise you that I've tried. Every moment I can smuggle I've been out looking for them."

"You're not trying hard enough, boy." Graves thought for a moment. "I want to give you something Credence. I would trust very few with it." He pulled out a necklace with a strange design on it out of his coat pocket and leant forward, wrapping his arms around Credence's neck to do it up.

"There." He said in a hushed voice, still standing close to him. "Do this for me and you will be honoured among all of wizard-kind, Credence." He placed a gentle kiss on his neck.

"But I don't want to be honoured, Mr Graves... I just want to be free of my mother and-" he cut himself off.

"And what, boy?"

"I want to be free to be with you." He murmured uncertainly, afraid of the older man's response.

"And I want to be free to be with you too, Credence. But you need to find the child, first. Find the child and you can have anything you want. Honour. Freedom..." He lowered his voice. "Me."

Credence shuddered and Graves took a swift step backwards before continuing. "Touch the necklace when you find them, Credence. I will come to you, no matter what time, or what place. No matter what I am doing, I will come to you."

He began to walk away before seeming to change his mind, he turned around on his heel and walked back up to Credence, holding his face in his hands and kissing him again.

Credence was left breathless and overwhelmed. Graves ran a thumb over his lower lip before whispering:

"Next time your mother tells you to take your belt off, refuse."

And with that, he was gone.

- - - - -

Grindelwald walked back into the shabby, abandoned building he had recently had to call 'home' just as the effects of the polyjuice potion were wearing off.

He strolled over to where the real Graves sat, gagged, bruised and bleeding, slumped on the ground at his feet. He knelt down beside the man and pulled down the piece of cloth tied to his mouth.

"Your boy Credence is simply wonderful, isn't he?" Grindelwald chuckled darkly.

"What did you do to him?" Graves croaked. "I swear to God if you have hurt him I will make you wish that you had never been born."

"I didn't hurt him, no. But let me tell you something I think you need to know..." He leant forward, whispering in his ear. "His lips taste oh so sweet."

He laughed again as he watched Graves struggle against his restraints. "You shouldn't have done that! You shouldn't have played with his feelings like that!"

"Did you know that he had such intimate feelings for you? Did you know that he wanted you just as much as you wanted him?"

"Don't exploit him for the situation he is in, Grindelwald. He's confused, innocent and in need of help. He's grown up with no affection shown towards him, he takes the little affection he receives as a gift. Don't use him like that. You want him for the Obscurus, but let that be all."

"I will use him in any way I want. I don't see why you care so much about him Graves, I thought you were into girls anyway. I kissed him, so what? I was bored. But that is more than you'll ever get to do. I'll make sure that you're dead long before you ever get the chance to see him again."

He placed the cloth back over Graves' mouth while the other man struggled again, screaming against his gag.

"Your Credence is so easy to manipulate, it's his own fault if he gets hurt."

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