Chapter 8

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The Obscurus took over Credence's body and flew through the dark, night time streets of New York, wreaking havoc wherever it went. It surged through buildings and threw people and vehicles alike aside if they got in its way.

Credence knew that he was killing people. He felt guilt deep within him. But it was too late. He couldn't control it anymore.

He had lost everything he cared about.

The one thing he cared about.

Percival Graves.

He was suddenly flying through the streets again, vaguely aware of the direction he was going in. When the Second Salem Church finally came into view he realised what he was there to do.

He burst into the building through a window and saw his mother and sisters stood, staring in fear. He went for his mother, but just as he was about to reach her Chastity moved and got in the way.

He ended up killing both of them.

He looked around frantically in a daze and saw that Modesty was still alive. He tried to smile at her through the black mass but saw the fear in her eyes; the same fear that he saw in those eyes the last time he saw her.

He left quickly, not wishing to harm his younger sister.

He continued going from building to building, destroying everything in sight. Suddenly he heard someone call his name. He saw that it was Graves, stood on a street, staring and calling up to him.

"Credence, it is a miracle that you have managed to live so long with such a destructive and powerful thing living and growing inside of you. You are a miracle, Credence. My miracle. Come down and let me help you control it!"

He turned away from the liar's words, and headed into the underground station, trying to seek refuge from the world.

- - - - -

Tina stared up in horror at the black mass. She looked to the side and saw Graves stood there, calling up to it.

Calling it Credence.

It was Credence.

It suddenly flew off, and she ran up to Graves.

"Mr Graves, what's happened?" She cried in anguish.

"Who are you? Move aside, girl, can't you see that I'm busy!" And he pushed her out of the way, as he charged off down the street after Credence.

She panicked. There was no way Graves would've said something like that or acted in that way.

That means that he wasn't actually Graves.

"Newt!" She called, running back over to where her friend was stood. "I think Graves is in danger, that man is pretending to be him!"

Newt thought for a moment. "I have a creature who could track down the real Graves, if that helps."

She kissed him on the cheek and he blushed.

"Yes! You go and get Graves, I'll meet you wherever Credence and the imposter are going."

- - - - -

Grindelwald found Credence cowering in a corner in the deserted underground station. The boy started when he heard his footsteps.

"Shhhh, Credence... It's alright.... I'm not going to hurt you." He soothed.

"But you already have, Mr Graves." He cried out, tears pouring down his face. He had taken off his shirt, revealing his torn back, and Grindelwald could see just how badly it was damaged.

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