Chapter 9: Believe Me, Im Lying

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Alison's POV

"Mary?" I asked walking into the room, no one answered but Jason did come out of the kitchen.

"Hey" I said

"Hey, what's up?"

"I screwed up yesterday morning, bad" I said

"What did you do?"

"I called Spencer and I wanted to make a moment for us to talk, to tell her about Mary"

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"She deserves to know Jason"

"Yeah, it's just.... I- I just don't trust Mary, anyways what were you saying?"

"Oh yeah!, I called her and said that I need to meet her, that we needed to talk, but she kept saying her parents aren't leaving her side-"

"Well of course they're not gonna leave her side Alison!"

"Look whatever, the point is I said her so-called parents can't be there"

"What?! Why did you call them that?!?"

"I don't know!, Im hormonal, okay? And I just wanted to meet with and, Look I don't know, alright?, I just, I don't know, I screwed up"

"What happened after that?"

"She just yelled 'what?' and I hang up"

"Good Ali now you gotta tell h-" Jason was interrupted when my phone rang.

"Its Spencer" I said as I clicked the ignore button.

"Aren't you gonna talk to her?"

"No!, She's been calling me non-stop since yesterday morning"

"Ali, you have to go see her, and more importantly you have to tell her"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I just wanted to let Mary know im gonna tell her"

"She's still asleep" Jason said

"Great, well once she wakes up, I'll let her know and then I'll go see Spencer" I said walking to the kitchen to get breakfast.

Toby's POV

Yesterday I had to work ok the station, today I have to guard the hospital for Spencer, if it was up to me, I would do that everyday, but fucking Tanner doesn't want me to.

Last night, I got to the hospital really late, Spencer was already asleep and I slept on the couch next to her bed, we need to talk about the kiss and the whole love confession thing, but I know it's hard to empty the room so I can be alone with her.

"Hey" I said walking into the room with 4 cups of coffee.

"Hi" Spencer answered with a smile as I handed her the coffee "thanks" she finished and I smiled at her.

I gave her parents the other 2 coffees and then Spencer said "where's Marco?"

"Oh, you see Tanner didn't want us to waste time when we could be at the station here, so Marco and I made a deal with her, we spend one day her and one day there and we just thought it was better that you had one day him and the next me rather than one day both and the next none"

"Yeah, you're right, but um .. if coming here with me is getting you guys in trouble-"

"No, no, it's fine don't worry about it" I said and she smiled.

"Um mom can you get me some breakfast, please?" She asked

"Yeah, sure" her mom said standing up from the couch and leaving the phone she was using on the table, then she left the room.

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