Chapter 3: Long Way Back From Hell

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Yvonne's POV

According to the doctor I'm just gotta stay here for a couple of days, since I don't have any major injuries, just a lot of small cuts and bruises that made me end covered in blood when I woke up, Toby got a really bad head injury, I don't know the specifics but I know he's okay and thats all that really matters, I get realised today and the first thing im gonna do is go see Toby.

Said and done, just about an hour later the nurse came in, took the IV off and gave me a few papers to sign then I asked her which number Toby's room was, 214.

"Hey" I said walking in

"Hey, Yvonne!"

"How are you feeling?" I asked while I hugged him, he hugged me back but it felt weird, distant.

"Okay, I never really felt any pain I guess, how are you? Did you get realised already?"

"Me? Oh im fine, I only had external injurys, nothing bad, I just got realised"

"Thats great" He said coldly, what wrong with him today?

"Yvonne can we talk? Its important" He said slowly

"Yeah, of course whats up?"

"Its about Spencer"

"Oh my god, yes I heard it on the news, Toby im so sorry I know how much she means to you"

"Thats what I meant, Its about what happened beetwen me and Spencer before she went missing" he said slowly, what does he mean? Did he cheat on me with Spencer?!?

"What?!?" I yelled angrily

"No, no, its not what you think, I mean maybe, kind of"

"Are you trying to tell me you cheated on me?!?"

"Sort of, look let me explain" I crossed my arms and let him continue "The day we crashed, the day we left Rosewood, Spencer came to see me in the morning, to say goodbye and she asked me to kiss her"

"What?!?!? Does she remember youre engaged?!?! Do you remember youre engaged ?!?!?!" I yelled I was almost out the door, How could he do this to me?!

"Yvonne wait, wait im sorry, look I really am! But thats not even all I wanted to tell you"

"What did you kiss Emily too?" I sacarstically

"No, what? No, Emily likes girls, look the thing is when I kissed Spencer I realized im not over her and I still love her an-"

"And you wanna be with her" I finished for him while the tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"Yeah, im so sorry, I never meant to hurt you Yvonne and I love you too, I really do just"

"Just not as much as you love Spencer" I finished for him again taking the ring off my finger "its okay Toby, really but theres one thing I don't understand"


"Spencer's missing, and don't take this the wrong way but theres a chance you won't ever see her again so why did you break up with me if you might not even have a chance with her?" I asked

"Because I really care about you Yvonne, and it didn't seem fair to you or Spencer for that matter, Yvonne you deserve to be someone's first choice and you will be ... someday and I hope that guy treats you right" I was full on crying by now "and if he dosen't just call me and I'll beat the crap out of him" He said and I chuckled

"Thank you Toby, I really hope you find Spencer and I hope you guys are really happy together" I said giving him the ring

"Thanks" He said and with that I left.

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