Chapter 15: House And Home

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Spencer's POV

"What?!" He screamed

"Its perfect Toby, if we're married, they can't force me to testify against you"

"Honey, we can't get married just because I killed someone"

"Do you love me?" I ask slowly looking at him in the eye

"Of course I love you Spence, with all my heart" he said without hesitating.

"Then we won't be getting married because you killed someone, we would be getting married because we love each other"

"Spencer we started dating 2 months ago"

"We started dating again two months ago, Toby we have dated for like 4 years straight and we have known each other for 7"

"Spence, I would give anything to send the rest of my life with you, it'll be an honor to be your husband, but this is not the way to do it, is this really how you wanna start our life together?"

"In love? Yes!"


"Look if you don't want to just say so"

"Not like this I don't" he said and then he stood up and left the room, or at least thought he left the room, but then I heard the front door slam, and realized he left, he went home or whatever.

So he really doesn't wanna be with me or maybe its too soon, or..... Maybe he's still into Yvonne?

Caleb's POV


I get up from to couch when I hear a knock on the door, I opened it to see Toby.

"We have a problem" he says

"What kind of problem?" I asked

"A relationship problem"

"Oh! This is my field" Hanna yelled getting up from the kitchen and coming over to the couch, I gestured for Toby to come in and we all sit on the couch.

"What's the problem?"

"Remember how I told you I wanted to buy the house back and ask Spencer move in with me?"

"Yea" we both said

"She wants me to marry her" he said

"Don't you wanna marry her too?" Hanna asked

"Yes, of course I do, but the only reason I didn't ask her, is because I thought she would say it was too soon, besides we all know how my last engagement worked out"

"That's because you were engaged to someone that is not Spencer, you guys were always meant to be together" Hanna said

"So you guys don't think its too soon, they say you should date someone for at least 6 months before you propose"

"That's because you are supposed to start finding out stuff about the other person in the first six months, you and Spencer already know everything about each other, you guys dated for like what..... 3 years?" I said

"4" was Toby's only answer

"I want to propose to her, I wanna move I With her, I wanna spend the rest of my life with her, but I don't know how to ask" he continued

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