Chapter 19: The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most

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A/N: BEFORE STARTING THIS CHAPTER, I WOULD LIKE TO THANK Spoby_Is_Endgame & SarahSchneider8 because they always read and vote, right after I publish, I appreciate it so much, thanks 💜💜


Toby's POV

"I'm pregnant, damnit"


"In pregnant, Toby, you don't wanna marry me"

"Spencer, this makes me wanna marry you more"

"Well it shouldn't, remember what happened the last time?"

"Honey, that was different were so young, we're adults now, we're ready for this"

"I'm not! Toby I'm not allowed to drive! And you think I can take care of a child?!"

"I don't understand how this affects the proposal"

"Because this affects everything in both of our lives, this another Human being were talking about"

"Spence, sweetie, we can do this, were 25, we-"

"Im 24" she interrupted me

"Sweetheart that is not the point, look if I hadn't proposed, you wouldnt have told me?"

"Of course I would've, I just don't think I'm ready"

"Trust me, you are"

"And I was afraid, you would leave me"

"Do you honestly believe I'm that kind of person, because I'm offended"

"Its not that, its just.. The last tim-"

"Spencer, that's not gonna a happen again, I promise"

"If we keep this baby-"

"Do you want to? Because that's the most important thing" I said interrupting her

"Lowkey yes" she said and I chuckled " but... Like I was saying if we keep this baby, will you be here for me, like always?"

"Of course, honey, we have this house now, it has 4 bedrooms, we can paint the nursery together"

"That does sound pretty awesome" she says smiling

"I love you Spence"

"I love you too, and I'm sorry I'm being such an emotional roller coaster right now"

"Its alright babe"

"I have one last important question"


"Would you still have proposed of you knew about the baby?"

"Of course babe, I still wanna marry you, if you'd still have me"

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