Chapter 7: Old Scars

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A/N: before staring this chapter I would like to thank Spoby_Stydia, Layan_alt, kenziehastings & HALEBSPOBYFOURTRIS for always commenting on this story, I apreciate it so much besides you all have the craziest theories and funniest things to say 💓💓, I would also like to NOT thank freeform because PLL doesn't come back until april and I don't have anything to do until then but wait, very very NOT apreciated.

Toby's POV

(3 years ago) (starts right after the last flashback) I've set up a table on the small balcony of our new apartment, this is where me, Spencer and little Spencer will live, at least for a while.

I nicknamed our baby little Spencer because it works for a guy or a girl besides i'll love this baby a lot, just like I love Spencer so I thought it was fitting, I know thats not what we're gonna name her, Spencer said that when she was in elementary school she was bullied because everyone told her Spencer was a boy's name, I don't want anybody to bully my kid, I know what its like to be bullied, I feel bad for Spencer, I thought A and Ali was enough bullying but aparently she's been dealing with it for years.

I look at the time on my phone, 8:13, Spencer's cab probably stuck in traffic or something, I decide to start putting the sauce on the pasta I made for her, this is my Mom's recipe, I always do it on her birthday and her death anniversary, my dad and I have dinner together for her, thats one of the few things Jenna and her mom didn't get to take from us, one time I invited Spencer and she fell in love with this recipe, I have a theory she loves it more than she loves me.

I take my time putting the sauce and thinking about my mom, then I look at the time again 8:37, now Spencer took too long and when I called she didn't answer me.

Spencer's a big girl she can take care of herself, I usually wouldn't be worried about her this soon but she has another life inside of her, Now both my Spencer and my little Spencer could be in danger!!

Then my phone rang, I picked it up and answered without looking at the caller ID hoping it was Spencer.

"Hello?" I asked

"Toby Cavanaugh?" A random lady asked

"Yes, who's this?"

"I work at the Washington DC medical center, you're listed as Spencer Hastings's emergency contact, could you tell your relationship with her?"

Why does someone from the hospital need to know that?!? Is Spencer in the hospital?!?!?

"Im her boyfriend, why?! Is she there?!? Is she hurt?!?" I said worried amd maybe a little too loud, but who cares? Spencer may be in a hospital right now!

"Yes, she's here, she fell down the stairs of her dorm room" she said

"Is she okay?!?" I yelled

"I don't really know, are you in this state right now, Mr Cavanaugh?"

"Yeah, yeah im on my way!" I said and hang up.

I made my way to the hospital more worried than I've ever been, it didn't take me very long when I got there I practically jumped off my truck and ran inside, I asked the woman in the front desk for Spencer, she told me the room number I went in and saw Spencer laying on the bed, she's not completely awake but she's nit uncounsious either, a doctor wad stiching up a small wound on her forehead.

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