What?! I Go To School With Supernatural Freaks?! [Chapter 3]

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What?! I go To School With Supernatural Freaks?!

Chapter 3

***RECAP (in my own words)***

That last person she expects walks out of the room that the wolf went into


John walked out of the room with the same pair of jeans that the wolf had taken out of the dresses. What was going on here?

I gave him an even more confused look than I had had before. He didn't look at me though as he walked over to the dresser and grabbed a shirt, along with a bunch of blankets.

After the threw the shirt on he walked over to me, "Here." He said as he handed me the blankets.

"Thanks." I covered every inch of my soaking wet body with the blankets, then looked back up at him. "Where did the wolf go? Where did you come-... wait. Are you...?

He just nodded.

"But... How?"

"It's a really long story..." John answered.

Just at that moment, the main door swung open and three other boys walked in. I knew that they went to the same school as me and that they were John's friends. But other than that, I knew nothing about them.

They were soaked from head to toe, and naked. Once they all saw me, they attempted to turn their bodies away from me, and I turned my gaze to the wall like there was something suddenly interesting about it. I heard them grab clothes from the dresser and I peaked, they were all dressed now.

Thank god.

One of them gave John a hard look, "Kitchen. Now."

John and the rest of the boys, who were fully clothed now, headed to the kitchen. One of the boys who was passing by said, "Hi," politely and I just smiled back.

I felt like I was intruding. Like I shouldn't be here any more. Especially with the look one of them had given John.

Once they were in the kitchen I heard someone say something that sounded like "How could you?" and "You shouldn't have brought here without checking with us, this isn't just about you." It then sounded like John replied with a, "What was I supposed to do? Just leave her there and risk him killing her? I thought that we were supposed to save people." After that, I didn't need to strain to hear their conversation because they started yelling.

"Yes, but why bring her here? What if she finds out?"

"I want to make sure she's safe. What if he decided to come back for her? And... um... about the other part..." That was definitely John.

"No! She doesn't know. She CAN'T!"

What can't I know?

"Why don't we just ask her? I doubt that she's going to say anything. And if she did, people wouldn't believe her. They'd probably send her to the funny farm!"

"Fine." The other voice grumbled.

John and the guy who told him to get in the kitchen walked out first, and headed towards me. John sat on the couch, while the others stood there awkwardly. "You're not going to tell anyone, right Amanda?"

"No. I'd rather not be sent to the funny farm..." I said nervously. Not that I was nervous of John. It was that other one. He was a BIG dude!

The others laughed nervously, excluding big-scary guy of course. He just gave me a funny look.

"See? I told you." John said.

"So, what's /really/ going on? I mean... If I'm going to be keeping your secret I might as well know the whole story." I said. Yeah, you're probably thinking that I'm a retard. That I should run for the hills and tell the first person I see that this wolf that turns into a boy saved me and is hiding out in this cabin he brought me too.

But for one, they probably would send me to a funny farm, and two, there was something fun. Something mysterious and adventurous about keeping this secret.

John sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He looked at the big-scary guys, when he nodded John said, "Alright. Get comfy, it's a long story."

I didn't move, but everyone else sat down on the floor around us.

"Back in the colonial America times there were these people. They had these special abilities to turn into animals. Each family had a different animal. These five families found each other and found out that they all had this ability. This was about the time that which trials were going on too, so this ability would cost you your life if you were caught. The families bound together, made a pact, and kept each other safe. I here, as you know, can turn into a wolf. Chris" he pointed to the scaryish guy, "can turn into a mountain lion. Tim," he pointed to one of the others, he was pretty big also, not as big though, he had brown shaggy hair with black spots, and deep brown eyes, "turns into a bobcat. And Caleb, he turns into a grizzly bear." He finished by pointing to the last one, who had brown hair and black eyes.

"There are only four of you?" I said, but it ended up coming out as a question.

"Well that's the thing. The fifth family betrayed the other families. This fifth family exposed the other four and they had to go into hiding. But because the fifth family broke the pact to keep each other safe, they shunned that family."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well, if you stopped interrupting you'd find out." John chuckled. "Anyways, we figured the fifth family had gotten killed by those witch hunters. Until now..."


Alright, here you go guys, sorry it took so long, but it should be faster now cause I don't have to steal my moms laptop from her lol and they should also start getting longer :D


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