Hyousuke Kiyoshi

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Helpful Warrior seemed to be the talk of the day, many girls came in and instantly blushed when they saw him.
He currently was sitting on the ground surrounded by a few trees he had found and pulled closer.
He had sent Rue home, but had his staff across his lap. His eyes were closed, and he looked as if he was meditating.
Many girls were hiding around the room watching him with red cheeks.
A girl had the guts to finally go up to him, and suddenly he was to his feet and bowing.
"Greetings Kika of the Wasuki clan. Would you like to take a seat?" He motioned to a cushion, and she sat down delicately.
Spinning he sat down, his feathers flowing around him. The girl in front of him seemed to swoon, but soon enough a few more girls joined.
Helpful Warrior spoke gently to the girls, he words like poems that caressed their ears.
Many girls left his area with a bloody nose. When suddenly there was a commotion at the front.
Helpful Warrior got to his feet and moved to check on it. What he saw seemed to confuse him, 'I thought Haruhi liked Tamaki?' He wondered as he looked at the girl in another girls arms.

Tamaki screeched and jerked forward trying to get Haruhi back from the other girls

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Tamaki screeched and jerked forward trying to get Haruhi back from the other girls. But ended up getting punched in the face.
Quickly Helpful Warrior grabbed his staff and twirled it around before pointing at the girls,"Unhand the princess."
He demanding voice caused everyone to freeze, and Tamaki stared up at him with wide eyes.
Haruhi watched with wide eyes, but was released from Benibara. The girl stepped forward looking the other boy up and down.
"Do you challenge me for her hand?" She asked, causing Helpful Warrior to tense up.
He turned to Tamaki,"You must challenge her." This caused Tamaki to turn fifty different kinds of red,"Her hand?" He squeaked out then inflated up into the air.
Honey ran around and caught the pale boy, as Helpful Warrior watched.
Benibara stepped forward,"You do not wish to fight me?"
"Haruhi is not mine to win." This caused everyone to freeze and stare at the boy. Haruhi looked put out about being talked about like she wasn't there. "Besides, I am of your type."
This caused a few confused glances, when suddenly Benibara gasped and put a hand to her mouth.
"You are? Then why do you do this?!" She looked the boy over in a new light.
Helpful Warrior stood silently, trying not to look at a certain boy with glasses. Benibara grinned at him then twirled back to Haruhi, who was walking up to her with tea.
Helpful Warrior spun and grabbed Honey who had thrown himself at the boy. Mori was behind him watching the two,"What was that about Suke-San?" He giggled out.
Helpful Warrior turned a bit red, but pushed the blush down. "We were just coming to an understanding."
Honey giggled at this and gave a big nod,"Okay!"

Tamaki suddenly was awake and speaking of Adam and Eve

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Tamaki suddenly was awake and speaking of Adam and Eve. When he blankly spoke of how there were no such thing as anything else, Helpful Warrior jerked.
Honey noticed and looked a bit concerned, but the boy said nothing as Helpful Warrior suddenly left.

Helpful Warrior walked to the large steps nearby and sat down, leaning his head on he palm.
'Does he truly believe that?' He wondered, his eyes saddening at the thought. His was pondering this for a second, when suddenly someone gently touched his shoulder.

"Are you okay Suke-San?" She murmured, looking concerned for the boy

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"Are you okay Suke-San?" She murmured, looking concerned for the boy.
He gave her a small smile,"Yes, just hiding in my thoughts."
She gave a small nod then smiled,"Well would you like to walk together?" Helpful Warrior got to his feet with a nod, and together they started off.
When the boy stopped beside a tree and started to climb up, Haruhi stopped him.
"What in the world are you doing?"
"Going home." He replied, his head tilting when she gave him a shocked look. Then looking up into the tree she saw a bag and little set up on a large branch.
"Oh, well do you not have another home?"
"Of course," this seemed to calm the girl down,"But I was sent here." He smiled when she blanched at him.
Shaking her head at the strange boy, she had a thought.
"What do you eat?" She enquired and he hummed,"whatever I find."
This caused the girl to laugh gently then grab his sleeve and pull him towards her place.
"Come on, you can have dinner with my dad and I."
Helpful Warrior looked at the girl in surprise, but let her drag him away.
"I am not Tamaki." He said to the girl.
She scoffed,"Trust me, I know. Your nothing like that doofus."
The boy hummed again,"I don't believe there is anyone like him."
This caused Haruhi to smile gently,"I know, it's a bit refreshing. When he's not selling my things." She grumbled the last part, but Helpful Warrior didn't seem to notice.
"So what do you like to eat?" Haruhi asked, looking at the boy from the corner of her eye.
"Anything is fine." He supplied. Soon they were at her place and he was watching as she cooked.

Suddenly the door bursts open, and Helpful Warrior was on his feet pointing his staff

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Suddenly the door bursts open, and Helpful Warrior was on his feet pointing his staff.
Seeing the frozen man in front of him, he put his staff down then bowed.
"Greetings Papa Fujioka, I am Helpful Warrior of the Running Wind clan. You may call me Hyousuke Kiyoshi."
Haruhi's father giggled behind his hand,"So you knew?"
Haruhi greeted her father then supplied,"He could tell I was a girl right away as well."
"Hmmm I wonder. Are you perhaps, homosexual?" Haruhi's father enquirer, his head tilting to the side as Haruhi squeaked in surprise as her dads boldness.
"Yes sir." Helpful Warrior replied, a smile replacing his ever gentle blank face.

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