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Hyousuke was laying in a hospital bed, watching with amused eyes as the nurse fussed over him.

After hearing he was close to Kyouya, the female nurse was more nervous then anything

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After hearing he was close to Kyouya, the female nurse was more nervous then anything.
Suddenly a gentle hand grabbed her shaking one,"Do not worry, I'm stronger then I look. You have done enough."
The nurse stared at their touching hands, before turning red as her eyes met those of Hyousuke.
Without a word she tittered out of the room, holding her hand close to her chest as she walked.
Hyousuke watched her with a gently shake of his head,'Females are so strange.'
Kyouya was walking down the hallway when suddenly someone bumped into him from behind.
Noticing what appears to be a frazzled nurse, Kyouya gave a small sigh. "Miss, if your going to have a breakdown please do it somewhere where the patients can't see you."
With that he walked off, leaving the nurse to stare after him with wide eyes.
She shook her head,'Okay Lily, you have to get yourself together. This may be your first day, but don't let that stop you!'
Right as she turned to leave, the unlucky nurse ran into a hard chest. She froze, and slowly looked up to meet the black eyes of a taller gentleman.
Lily blushed gently under the eyes of the handsome man, then realized there were a group of gentlemen watching the two.
Instantly she jerked away and gave a deep bow,"I'm so sorry sir! I didn't mean to, I apologize deeply." After her last word, the hallway grew quite.
Takashi stared down at the nurse, wondering what the strange feeling in his chest was. As she began to apologize and bow, he couldn't help the small blush that spread across his cheeks.
The rest of the Host Club noticed this and fell silent, wondering what in the world did they miss.
Mori wasn't known for blushing unless it was something Haruhi or Honey did.
The silent giant gently placed his hand on the nurses head, giving her a silent acceptance.
Lily looked threw her hair, up a the strange male. Then, ignoring the flutter in her chest from his touch, she gave him a small smile then head off towards the next room.
Mori watched the female walk away,  then looked down at his hand. He couldn't help but think of how gentle her hair was. It was thick, but at the same time made him feel as if he was holding a butterfly.
"Lily Mackintosh, 18, single, American and our newest nurse. She transferred in from North Carolina a week ago and has already learned to speak fluently in Japanese." Mori listened to Kyouya ring off information about the female, and gave the other male a nod of gratitude for the information.
Hyousuke just began to pull his clothes on when his door slung open. He watched as Tamaki skipped in, seemingly humming to his own tune.
The rest of the Host Club followed,  including a annoyed Haruhi.
Hyousuke chuckled deeply, causing everyone to freeze and turn to him.

"So, what did I miss?" He asked, leaning on the wall

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"So, what did I miss?" He asked, leaning on the wall.
Everyone stared at him for a second or two, before suddenly Haruhi's eyes were being covered.
"Haruhi!! No daughter of mine should look at a man as he dresses!! Not until marrriiiiaaaggggeee" Tamaki screeched, his arms flailing slightly as he tried to keep Haruhi from looking at Hyousuke's half naked form.
Kyouya rolled his eyes,"Why are you out of bed?"
Hyousuke sighed,"As much as I LOVE being here, what is the point. I've already healed, and now I'm getting checked for wounds that I don't have." As he spoke the male turned around, slipping his other arm into the button up shirt.
"Your here, because even though I know you'll heal you we're seen shot by the guests. If they found out that you didn't go to a proper hospital. Questions will be raised." Kyouya replied, pushing his glasses up farther on his nose as he spoke.

" Kyouya replied, pushing his glasses up farther on his nose as he spoke

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Hyousuke watched him and chuckled, running a hand through his hair.
That was when everyone noticed the scars that covered the male. Before they hadn't looked hard enough, but for once the could see through the tattoos. Kyouya admired his love, hating the scars all over him but at the same time admiring him for it.
"Is it true you can't die?" Haruhi stepped forward as she spoke, waving Tamaki off.
As Hyousuke buttoned up his shirt, he remained silent not sure what to say to Haruhi on the matter.
"I can cease to exist..." the gentle reply was hard to hear, but to the Host Club he might as well have screamed it.
"Why didn't you say anything??" Kyouya growled uncharacteristically , as he stepped forward. His black eyes were narrowed and his hair seemed to raise around him as his anger grew.
Hyousuke's head whipped up, and he stepped forward as if to touch Kyouya. His eyes were wide as he looked at Kyouya, as was many of the Host Club's.
"You should have said something sooner! I knew this was too good to be true! liar!" Everyone gapped at Kyouya, as a black aura seemed to float around him.
"Your...powers..." Hyousuke whispered, his eyes scanning the male as he shook in anger.
Hyousuke seemed to sigh, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke. "I can only be killed by another God or Goddess. I can not be killed by mere Human hands or weapons. This world may effect this body, but these scars will leave once I regain my form. "
As he spoke Kyouya seemed to slowly loose his anger, and everyone watched as the aura seemed to soak back into him.
"I have realized now, what your father has done to you. I know how to break the curse..." Hyousuke said, walking over to an open window.
The other watched him, curiosity swirling in their eyes as he seemed to slowly loose his composure.
For once Kyouya was watching Hyousuke shake, and he didn't understand why.
"What...How do we break it?" Kyouya asked, almost afraid to know.
After a few minutes of silence, Hyousuke turned towards the Host Club members, and they all seemed to jerk back in shock.
His eyes seemed to be hollow, and for once in his many many lives, the immortal was crying.

Kyouya stepped forward, as if to comfort him, but before his could Hyousuke spoke

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Kyouya stepped forward, as if to comfort him, but before his could Hyousuke spoke.
"You must hate me..."

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