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Helpful Soldier climbed into the window of Tamaki Souh's house. With skillful steps, he found Tamaki's room and slipped in silently.
Seeing Tamaki snuggling with a brown Teddy, Helpful Soldier shook his head.
Silently, he moved forward and gently rocked Tamaki to wake him up.
The other boy groaned in his sleep,"Haruhi...the king wants you to wear this dress..."
Helpful Soldier sighed, and shook him harder.
Tamaki jerked up in his sleep, looking around with wide eyes.
"Hyousuke?" Tamaki groaned, forgetting any honorifics in his sleepy state.
Helpful Soldier smiled and sat at the edge of the bed, his feathers ruffling around him.
As Tamaki took in his attire, his jaws dropped.
"Hyousuke! I love this role play idea your having! We need to tell Mommy!!" Shaking his head, Helpful Soldier sighed,"These are my normal clothes, Tamaki." 
Tamaki stared at the other boy with wide eyes,"your covered in tattoos." He suddenly murmured.
This caused Helpful Soldier to smile gently,"They hold the stories of my people."
Tamaki gave a nod, understanding the need to be close to family.
Helpful Soldier gave a small sigh, then ran a hand down his arm.
"I have to go..." he suddenly said, his eyes looking anywhere but at the blonde.
Tamaki smiled,"Well I don't get why you were here in the first place. But okay! See you at school." With that Tamaki went to lay back down.
Helpful Soldier watched him, then shook his head with a smile.
Then he was gone, and it wasn't until Tamaki got a frantic call from Kyouya the next day that he realized.
He meant farewell.
Helpful Soldier bowed before his elders, praying to the elements that he was not questioned.
"Boy...it has come to our attention, that you no longer want to be here." Helpful Soldier's head jerked up and he stared at the elder in shock.

"You have been blessed with seeing the outer world, and your spirit has taken to it

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"You have been blessed with seeing the outer world, and your spirit has taken to it." The leader said, taking a small puff from his pipe.
Helpful Soldier didn't know what to say, so he stayed silent and bowed his head.
Suddenly his shoulder was being given a pat, and his elder began.
"Did you know that I am a twin?" The elder seemed to say out of nowhere, and Helpful Soldier just gently shook his head 'No.'
"My brother and I were very close, so close in fact, we were in love with the same woman." The elder smiled gently,"However, she wanted to see the world, and leave us all. As the sons of the last leader, we were going to fight for the head of the clan."
After a pause, and a puff from his pipe he continued,"Then we came to a deal, he would go with her to travel. And I would become the head of the clan." Helpful Soldier watched the small smile that graced his face, then the small sigh.
"What I'm trying to say is. Your not connected to any leaderships in the clan, a boy found in the woods surrounded by animals of every size. Helpful Soldier, your very special to this clan but, you need to seek answers. Because we have none here."
Helpful Soldier looked at his Elder, relief flowing through his body.
'I'm free.' He thought to himself, then gave the Elder a nod.
The older man grinned at this, then moved to sit at the tree stump.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh Suke-San duck!!!!" Was suddenly screamed across the trees, and Helpful Soldier instantly got to his feet.
The Elder decided to just sit and watch, amusement in his eyes.
A little boy dressed up at a typical "Native American" suddenly swung down into the clearing, and landed on the ground in a crouch.

Helpful Soldier watched this with confusion swirling in his eyes, but instinct had him already holding a glowing green staff

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Helpful Soldier watched this with confusion swirling in his eyes, but instinct had him already holding a glowing green staff.
"Honey-Sempai?" He questioned, his head tilting slightly at the sight of the shorter boy.
"Suke-San! We have come to save you!" He declared.
"We?" Helpful Soldier asked, and Honey giggled at the hopefulness of his voice.
"Yes, We."
Helpful Soldier jerked around to see the whole Host Club behind him, in a slight pose as the clan began to surround them.
Helpful Soldier suddenly stepped forward, and with one caw the Clan froze.
The Host Club looked at the faces around them in shock,"Hyousuke w-why are they listening to you?" Tamaki asked, his voice a bit high pitched.
Helpful Soldier looked at the Clan, then at the Host Club.
"They are my students." He tried to explain, and the Host Club gaped at him.
"But-but your only 17!" Tamaki cried out, and the others gave nods.
Helpful Soldier's head tilted to the side,"I have been alive for many moons. It has been said that a boy was found in the woods, surrounded by ivy for protection. Animals were keeping him warm, and bringing him food. This was 676 moons ago, I am 50 years of age." The teenage looking boy told the group.
Kyouya stared at the man in front of him, his cheeks slightly red at seeing so much skin.

Helpful Soldier smiled at the group,"So, I have been around long enough to teach them all

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Helpful Soldier smiled at the group,"So, I have been around long enough to teach them all."

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