
772 41 4

uploading 99%.........

upload complete! publish?

Joanna bit her lip as she checked yes and published her video. She had been uploading for a year now and despite loving everything to do with YouTube, she still couldn't help being worried for the initial response.

She read through the comments for the first hour before noticing a comment that had more replies than any other.

ZerkaaHD: Loved the music to this vlog, could you hit me up with the artist?

She saw some usual faces replying to him, excited that he knew her. Joanna knew who he was, of course, everyone in the YouTube community had started to learn who The Sidemen were.

There was even rumours between her 'youtube' friends that they were going to be holding their own event at the end of the year. She couldn't help being excited and knew she was going to buy tickets.

She opened twitter and followed him. Embarrassingly, he already followed her so she quickly sent him a message including her skype. She didn't reply to direct messages on twitter often as hers were open for her followers.

It wasn't long before Joanna's skype beeped at her.

ZRK wants to add you as a friend

ZRK: Hi! Thanks for replying so quickly haha, I just really loved that song.

JoannaBanana: it's okay! everyone was replying to you, I had to pay attention!
                                   It's an instrumental by Dodie Clark, I'll link you

ZRK: Thanks! I'm Josh by the way

JoannaBanana: Well I knew that
                                   I'm Joanna

ZRK: I watch your daily vlogs, I also knew that

JoannaBanana: I was just being polite

ZRK: I like that haha

skype [ josh ] SM5Where stories live. Discover now