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Joanna hoisted her bag further up her shoulder as she pulled a small suitcase behind her. She was early to meet the boys at the train station but thought she may as well drive the longer way and vlog it.

She got her ticket out of her bag and sat on a bench. Her camera was out and she made a small time lapse, knowing she could use it as a transition, when she spotted Ethan and Tobi walking towards her.

Tobi waved, also with a camera in his hand.

"You'll never guess what happened!" Ethan was laughing as he approached her. "I crashed!" He was still laughing as Joanna's mouth fell open. She turned the camera to herself and pulled a face, questioning his happiness at the situation.

"Ethan can't drive," Tobi jumped in frame, also laughing.

"Nah bro! It wasn't me bro, it was them. I was good!" Ethan defended, still laughing. Baffled, Joanna couldn't help but join in. She was starting to realise there was never a dull day in the Sidemen's lives and she enjoyed it.

It wasn't long till Simon and Josh had joined them and they made their way to the train, taking their seats. Joanna was next to Josh, Simon opposite them on a four table. She had her MAC out already, uploading the footage she had already taken.

"You don't need to edit yet," Simon said as he opened a sandwich, relaxing into his seat.

"It's okay, I enjoy it." Joanna smiled, clicking away on her laptop as the boys talked.

"I like your work ethic," Josh complimented her under his breath, having lent over to watch her screen.

She smiled at him. She was excited for this weekend away.

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