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Tucking a small strand of hair behind her ear, Joanna stuck her tongue out as she layered a few filters onto the sunset time lapse. She had planned it to be a transition in her vlog and wanted the colours to blend perfectly with the tones in the shots before and after.

It was 10 a.m when she had filtered through most of the footage she had and she took a moment to smile at her screen, proud to have finished so early. Usually she'd wake up at this time, potter about and then find herself struggling to edit the vlog from the day before just before putting it out.

It's not that she didn't love filming but she was finding her days a drag. She wanted something to liven them up and get her to enjoy waking up again. It was one of the few reasons she so easily agreed to going on holiday with a bunch of YouTubers she had only talked to for a few weeks. This morning she'd woken at 7 without any alarms, fuelled to start her day.

With a refreshed mindset, she took an hour to shower, do her make up and throw her hair up. According to Ethan, they were going to a funfair today and she was beyond excited. Snapping a quick picture, she posted it on twitter.

@JoannaBanana: off for an adventure with the boys, if they'd ever wake up 😴

She only had time to put her makeup back into her bag before her phone began to buzz against the table

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She only had time to put her makeup back into her bag before her phone began to buzz against the table. Picking it up, she saw the skype call from ZRK. She smiled as she answered, his face popping up onto the screen way too close.

"I can see your beard hair growing one by one from this angle." He chuckled, moving away slightly, showing that he was in fact up and dressed. His hair looked slightly damp from a shower he must have had.

"Just here to tell you to stop slating us all on the Twitter. I'm awake!" Josh then moved to show Simon, still sprawled across one of the beds in their room. An idea formed as they laughed at the sleeping boy.

"I'll be right there!" Joanna hung up, forgetting to say bye as she grabbed her bag, camera and room key. She may as well take everything, she probably wouldn't be back till the end of the day. Knocking softly against the boys' door, she shushed Josh as he answered.

Whispering her plan, she handed him her camera. He happily started to film as she stood in front of Simon.

"So I've been up since 7 and this boy," Josh knew to move the camera to zoom in on Simon and did so. "Is still asleep 11 a.m. He's about to get a great awakening."

"Waking up to you? Of course." Josh said to the camera, making Joanna smile at him before giggling and filling a cup with the bathroom tap water. She trickled it on Simon's cheek at first until he stirred. It was when his eyes started to flutter that she dumped the rest of the contents on him, causing him to shoot up.

"What the fuck!" He wiped at his face, glaring at the laughing pair. Josh had fallen to the end of the bed, chuckling while Joanna backed away slowly.

"Good morning, Simon!" She tried to cover her laugh and failed terribly.

"A right pair, you are." Simon grumbled, pushing Josh with his foot before rubbing his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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