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The view from the bridge they were on was beautiful. Joanna had set up her camera and was sat next to it, she wanted to film the sunset.

She had a book in her hand but kept being distracted by the people around her. Though it didn't feel too strange from London there was something about being in a different culture that she found addicting. In front of her were locks with names written on them - she knew they were mostly couples and found herself in awe at reading some of them.

"We'll come back one day and won't leave you alone," Josh smiled as he sat down next to her. They had to record a game, the whole reason they had been invited out to France, but Joanna hadn't been allowed in the building due to sneak peaks. She tucked a peace of hair behind her ear as she smiled sheepishly, looking down to the water.

"It's okay, I've had fun." She meant it but the idea of Josh wanting her to join them again made her stomach twist excitedly. Though her friends were fun to be around and crazy enough to make her life exciting, she felt different with the boys. She couldn't explain it yet. They were possibly weirder than her own friends who had all made a name for themselves through her vlogs.

For a moment, as the water calmed down along with the wind, her heart tugged. She was never away from her friends. They had become a family to her. A hand to her lower back shocked her back to here and now.

"Come on," Josh was smiling and he stood, turning slightly to hold his hand out for her. She took it as he helped her stand before taking down her camera. The sky was orange and pink and looked like it had come straight from a painting. Joanna was going to enjoy editing it later.

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