Chapter 10

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I groaned as a wave of sickness washed over me. I felt like absolute shit.

I reached for my phone, whining when my fingers ran over it but not enough to get a grip. I grunted and scooted over, just enough to grab my phone.

It was 8:00, and of coarse Troye and Connor weren't up yet, so I decided to just text Sage. I mean, she never sleeps so she has to answer.

To Sage:
I'm sick come over

Not thirty seconds later I got a response.

From Sage:
I'm coming over I got chicken soup don't die on me!

I laughed lightly and rolled my eyes, quickly texting back a reply.

To Sage:
I'm not gonna die it's just a cold

From Sage:
Hey! It could be ebola you never know!

I rolled my eyes again and typed an 'okay whatever' before putting my phone down and sticking my face under my pillow.


I woke up to a vibration in my hands, I groaned and rolled over on my back, looking at my notifications.

From Sage:
I'm outside let me in its cold!

From Sage:
Wtf man I'm cold

From Sage:
Let. Me. In.

From Sage:
bruh I'm freezing my ass off out here!

From Sage:
You can't just leave yo best fren out here in da cold

I sighed loudly and rolled out of bed, shuddering when my feet hit the cold hardwood. I held my stomach and groaned loudly as I walked out of my room, downstairs and to the door.

I opened it to see Sage sitting in front of the door, rocking back and forth slowly.

"Fucking finally! What took you so long?" She asked as she quickly got up off the frosted concrete and into the house.

"I fell asleep."

"And now I see why you're their kid, you guys sleep a lot."

"And you never sleep."

She flopped down on the couch and wrapped the blanket on the back of the couch around her, "Sleep is for the weak."

"Anyway, you're sick, and as you friend it is my place to take care of you. I didn't walk down here for nothing."

"You walked down here, but that's like five miles!"

"Eh, I needed the exercise anyway," she shrugged and got off the couch pointing at it, signaling for me to sit down.

"Where's your can-opener?" She asked as she talked through the drawers. "The next one over."

She nodded and opened the drawer, taking out the can-opener and put it on, pushing down until it cut through the metal and turning it.

"You really don't have to do this," I said, getting up and walking over to her.

"Nonsense, now sit child."

I obliged and sat down, looking for the remote, sighing when I couldn't find it. "I'm gonna see if dads are up."

She nodded and went back to what she was doing. I got up and walked upstairs and into their room.

Connor was still asleep, head on Troye chest, while Troye was awake and on his phone.

"Morning Skye," he said in the cutest morning voice, my heart literally melted.

"Morning," I walked over and plopped down on the floor, looking at what he was scrolling through. He was on Instagram looking through the #troyesivan tag.

I pointed at a picture, "I posted that a few months ago." It was a picture of him smiling and down below I wrote thank you Troye for always being there for me even when you aren't physically there. I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you I love you so much dude❤

A smile grew on his face as he looked back at me, "Thank you for staying alive so I could adopt you, I love you too Kiddo."

He leaned over and kissed me forehead and I smiled like an idiot.

"Damn, Skye your burning up!" He brought his hand to my forehead, taking it off and pressing his lips to it again. "Yeah, I'm sick, but Sage came over and being like a mini mom."

He nodded his head and turned to Connor, shaking him. I smiled and hopped on him, shaking him quickly.

"Nooo!" He whined in protest, trying to push me off. "Connie wake up!"

He groaned loudly and reached for his pillow, bringing it up and hitting me in the face.

I knocked back on impact and pounced at him, tickling his side's. He jolted up and screamed through his laughs. "Skye! Skye get off! Please I'm gonna pee!"

"Then get up!" I yelled back, still tickling him.

"Okay! Okay! I'll get up! Please just stop!"

"Okay," I stopped tickling him and backed off the bed, smiling as Connor took deep breaths.

I sneezed loudly, and falling over on impact. I groaned and brought myself back up looking at Troye and Connor who had an aww look on their faces.


Connor smiled, "Your sneeze! It sounds like a cat, that's so fucking cute!"

I huffed, "It's not cute, it's annoying."

"No it's just cute!" Sage yelled from downstairs.

Connor gave me a confused look, "Is Sa—"

"Yeah Sage is here."


I shrugged, "I'm sick."

He sat up and pressed his hand to my head, "Holy shit your on fire!"


"Not like that, does you throat hurt?"

I nodded, "Feels like sandpaper."

"Why didn't you just wake up up?"

"Cause I haven't seen Sage in like three weeks."

Connor sighed and got up, "Come on, lets go watch a movie or something.

I smiled and nodded following him downstairs. When we got down Sage was taking the bowl of soup out of the microwave and put it on the table.

"Does Kian and Jc know you are here?" Connor asked.

Sage shook her head and picked the bowl up again, putting it in front of me. "I think I broke your can-opener."

Troye shrugged, "I hated it anyway, but do you wanna stay? All we're doing is probably watching a movie.

Sage nodded and I grabbed the bowl from her. We all sat down in the couch, Connor grabbed the remote and scrolled through the channels until he clicked Divergent.

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