Iceland Mochi

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You have always been captivated by nature and it's abounding beauty, so naturally you've pursued a career as a nature photographer. That line of work has taken you to some amazing natural wonders, but you have to admit that Iceland has been one of your favorites so far. Despite its name, Iceland isn't the frozen tundra everyone thinks it is. You can't deny that it is rather chilly, but it's not the worst you've ever experienced.

You shiver when you think about the time you trekked around northern Canada looking for polar bears. This time out your target is a lot smaller and easier to find than the lumbering northern bears. You're staying in Iceland's capital, Reykjavík, to take pictures of the unique puffins that flock all over the island country. You love how cute yet goofy looking the birds are.

The sea breeze makes your long coat flap as you stand on a quiet wharf, and you pull your scarf around your neck a little tighter. The adorable little birds you've come to photograph are cheerfully flying around the dock in search of fish. You hold your professional camera up to your eye and snap a few pictures of the carefree birds. It may be cold out, but having the opportunity to see these wonderful creatures in action is worth the chill.

You take several more pictures of the silly little birds, and the next half hour goes by in the blink of an eye. At one point you zoom in on some birds hopping along one of the docks when something odd catches your eye. You look up from your camera, but it's too far away to really tell what it is. You put the camera back up to your eye and focus on the mysterious object. It's round and white, and appears to be wearing a white bow.

You pull the camera away in surprise when the white object turns and looks at you with purple eyes. What in the world is that? You put the strap of the camera around your neck and begin to walk toward the pier the thing is on. The puffins fly away in a blur of black, white, and orange as you approach them. This leaves just the strange object sitting alone on the dock.

It looks up at you with big purple eyes, and you stare back into its deep gaze. "Þú hræða fugla. (You scared the birds)" it says.

"You talk!" you gasp in surprise. "My goodness! What are you? I've never seen anything like you before."

"Oh...erm..." the thing averts its eyes from you. "I am a mochi. Iceland Mochi to be exact."

"Oh wow, you speak English too!" you say excitedly. This fact shouldn't really excite you since most natives in Iceland speak English very well. "Are you an animal of some kind?"

" It is...difficult to explain."

You notice his discomfort, at least you assume it's a him from his voice, and quickly change the subject. "It's very nice to meet you Iceland Mochi. My name is (y/n), and I'm a nature photographer."

The mochi perks up when he hears this. "Really? Have you taken a lot of pictures here?"

"Yes," you tell him with a nod of your head. "There are so many natural wonders here. Here, let me show you."

You pick up your camera and start flipping through the pictures you've already taken. There are some of hot springs and geothermal pools. Others are of flower filled valleys rimmed with snowcapped mountains. You show Iceland Mochi some of the pictures of rainbows and the aurora borealis you had been lucky enough to see.

"Here's a herd of Icelandic horses I saw the other day. Here's a cute little fox I saw hopping through a patch of snow. And these! These are my favorites!" you say excitedly as you show the mochi pictures of puffins. "I've seen all kinds of animals from around the world, but the puffin is my very favorite." You smile at your photos fondly.

"You really like puffins that much?" Iceland Mochi asks with wide eyes. "Really, truly?"

"Yes! They're absolutely adorable!" you exclaim. "Kind of like you."

The mochi blushes bright red. ", yes. They are," he stutters. "They're my friends."

You look around at the little birds sitting on the masts of boats and realize what you've done. "Oh no, I've scared them away, haven't I?"

"B-but that's okay!" Iceland Mochi says quickly. "I like talking to you. You say interesting things, unlike some of the stupid Danes that come here. Once, this tall guy with spiky blonde hair showed up and started chasing the birds around. He wouldn't leave until I got Emil to come kick his butt." He stops speaking suddenly. "I'm sorry. I got a little carried away."

You let out a little laugh as you shake your head. "That's perfectly okay. I like talking with you too." You hold your camera up and smile. "Can I take some pictures of you? Would you be okay with that?"

The mochi looks away shyly. " don't know. I've never had my picture taken before."

"It's easy!" you tell him excitedly. "Just act natural and I'll do the rest!"


You don't wait for his answer. Instead you stand up and take a few steps back. "Don't worry, Iceland Mochi. Just be yourself!" You hold your camera up to your eye and focus it on the mochi.

He looks around nervously as you snap a few photos of him. Then a single, brave little puffin lands on the pier next to Iceland Mochi. This causes him to relax a little as the bird hops around him happily. Several more puffins fly down to join the first, and Iceland mochi begins to smile. He laughs when the silly birds start tripping over each other to get his attention.

You watch in fascination as you take picture after picture. The camera gives a little beep, and you realize you've filled a memory card almost entirely with pictures of Iceland Mochi and the puffins. You don't have any spare cards on you, so you turn your camera off, and sit to watch the mochi play with the birds. More have flown down to join in the excitement, and a few of them hop toward you curiously.

"Hold out your hand," Iceland Mochi says softly so he won't scare the birds.

You do as he says, and the puffins cautiously approach your outstretched hand. A brave one hops right onto your hand before changing its mind and hoping back off. Unfortunately, it doesn't hop backward as gracefully as it hopped forward, and it stumbles on top of some of the other birds gathered nearby.

A happy laugh escapes your lips as you watch the silly bird's antics. The other puffins follow the first's example and begin to hop onto your hand. One even flies up onto your head. You've never been able to get this close to the wildlife you admire, so this is quite the opportunity for you.

"This is wonderful," you say blissfully as a puffin lands on your shoulder. It nuzzles your cheek, and you stroke it with affectionately with a finger. "Thank you, Iceland Mochi."

"'re very welcome," he replies. "I'm glad you're having fun."

"Can I come here again tomorrow?" you ask the mochi hopefully. "I'd love to see these silly birds again, and talk with you some more. I can bring more pictures too."

"I would like that," Iceland Mochi says with a smile. "I'd like that a lot."

"Then it's a date," you say with a smile.

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