Sweden Mochi

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Your vacation has been a relaxing and uneventful one since you've arrived in Stockholm. The whole city area is actually several different islands that each provide their own unique charm. You enjoy taking a small ferry to different islands and spending the day doing nothing but taking it easy. After living a hectic and busy life, this vacation is just what the doctor ordered.

Today you're visiting a smaller island with an older, historic feel. The small village makes you think of vikings and sea adventure with its vast amount of traditional Scandinavian architecture. You stop at a little tourist shop to see what kind of little knick knacks they have for sale. Brass bells clink loudly when you open the door, and an older, plump woman looks up from a counter.

"Välkommen (welcome)," she says with a big smile.

"Tack (thanks)," you say back. That's pretty much all the Swedish you know.

"Kan jag hjälpa dig att hitta något? (Can I help you find anything?)" she asks pleasantly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't speak Swedish," you sheepishly admit.

"No worry," the woman says with a wave of her pudgy hand. "I speak little English."

"That's a relief." You've run into too many people so far that didn't speak a word of English.

"What look for?" she asks again.

"Um...well." You hadn't really thought about it. "I...uh...don't really know."

The plump woman laughs heartily. "That is fine! Go! Look around." She waves you away with a flick of her wrist.

You browse through her selection of trinkets and other miscellaneous items, but nothing looks especially appealing. It would be weird not to get anything though since you have already spent so much time here. You'd also feel guilty after the woman was so nice to you. A little glass bauble catches your eye. It looks like a small dog, and you pick it up carefully.

"How much is this?" you ask the woman. You set the glass dog on the counter in front of her.

She looks at it carefully and nods. "Twenty krona." You produce a worn wallet from a small bag at your side and pull out the right amount of money. The woman counts it and puts it in a box under the counter. "Thank you very much! Come again!"

You're about to leave when a thought pops into your head. It's something that's been bothering you since you arrived in Sweden. "Do you know if there's a furniture store around here?"

The woman thinks for a few moments before answering. "Yes, down street. Down street on left, small house."

"Thank you very much!" you say happily.

The brass bells ring again as you walk out the door. You immediately head down the street and keep your eyes open for a small building on the left. It takes you a minute, but you eventually find the house you're looking for. You're not sure what to expect when you open the door, and hesitate a moment before going in. Is it stereotypical for you to be looking for Swedish furniture?

You shake your head and grip the door handle. It's not like you're going to buy any furniture. You just want to see what the big fuss over Swedish furniture is about, that's all. Nothing happens when you pull the door open, and you silently slip inside. The inside of the store is well lit and very tidy. It's obvious to you that everything has been meticulously cleaned and well kept. The place is perfectly organized for maximum use of the amount of space inside.

There isn't anyone at the front counter, so you decide to look around and see if they're somewhere else in the store. You head over to an area with several large armoires and can't help but admire how intricate the detailing is. Their smooth wood shines in the light, and you gently run your hand along the grain of a dark mahogany piece.

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