Chapter Twenty~Six

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“Hola señorita!”
His cheerful greeting caught you off-guard. It was almost as if the two of you were old friends who had met by chance on a crowded city street, a place with sunshine where laughter filled the air. Instead, he was an enemy pirate captain who had snuck onto your current vessel, and the two of you had just simultaneously killed a man who now lay in the dark hallway as his lifeblood trickled away through the floorboards.
Without answering, you locked the barrel of your gun onto him and he mirrored this movement. Instantly the two remaining men behind him went to draw their weapons, but one hand raised lazily in the air stopped them.
“Eso no es necesario.” At their captain’s command the men lowered their guard, if somewhat reluctantly. You noticed how they were both trying very hard not to let their gazes stray to their dead comrade, but at the same time they didn’t seem awfully surprised at their Captain’s actions.
“(y/n)!” You gaze flickered momentarily to your young friend who seemed to have recovered from his shock and was now looking between you and the Spaniard with a panicked expression. You beckoned for Peter to come towards you with a slight nod of your head. However, instead of flinging his arms around your waist as you’d expected, he scrambled to his feet and stood with his back to you, arms outstretched as if to protect you from any bullets. This caused an amused expression to flit across the Spaniard’s face, for despite Peter’s best attempts, he was a full head shorter than you and therefore the foreign Captain still had a clear shot to your skull if he so wished to pull the trigger.
“So your name’s (y/n) hm? Un bonito nombre para una chica hermosa.”
“Gracias.” Your opponent’s grin grew at hearing you speak his native tongue, and you could practically see the laughter in his eyes.
“De nada. ¿Pero, hablas espanol señorita?”
“Un poco, mi padre y yo viajamos a España con frecuencia.”
“¿Te ha gustado?”
“Sí, es un país muy hermoso.”
By this point, Peter was looking at you as if you had grown a second head. Although he had no understanding of what you were saying, the conversation between you and his brother’s enemy seemed almost friendly, not to mention the way the Spanish man was smiling at you. To Peter’s horror, you lowered the gun with a sigh.
“What are you doing! He’s Captain Carriedo! If you do that he’ll-”
“He’s not going to shoot us Peter.”
“How can you be so sure señorita?” His gun remained locked onto your form, but the laugher in his eyes seemed to have grown. You studied the Spaniard carefully before replying.
“Because a man who shot a member of his own crew for hitting a child, isn’t about to shoot a woman.” 
“Bonita e inteligente, parece que me he encontrado con mi equivalente.”
With a chuckle, the handsome man lowered his gun. This was met with an outcry from his companions, but he waved off their concerns and approached you, his broad smile never wavering.
“So who exactly are you señorita? Too well fed to be una esclava, too beautiful to be una puta, too bold to be una princesa.”
“I suppose that makes me a pirate then.” Still grinning, he shook his head.
“You’re not a pirate señorita, I’ve been around pirates my whole life and never before have I seen one as beautiful as you.”
Beside you Peter glared daggers, but your only response to his flirtatious words was to scoff, being far too used to superficial comments by this point.
“That’s sweet of you Carriedo, but flattery will get you nowhere.”
“Por favor, llámeme Antonio.”
“I’ll make sure to do that next time I see you.”
“That may not be for quite some time you know.”
“Perhaps it’ll be sooner than you think.”
“Farewell señorita.” Placing a soft kiss on either cheek, the Spaniard winked before disappearing down the hallways to make his escape.

“We can’t just let him go!”
“We’re not Peter, don’t you worry.”
“But he-” You placed one finger over the boy’s lips lightly.
“Listen.” There was a moment of silence where you had to conceal your amusement at the concentrated expression the youngest Kirkland wore.
“I don’t hear anything.”
“Exactly. No sound, means no cannon fire, no cannon fire means no battle, and seeing as we’re not sleeping with the fishes, I’m going to say we came out on top.”
You strolled through the familiar upper decks of the ship with Peter at your heels. After a few minutes the two of you emerged on deck to see the Spanish ship much further away than it had been, with one less mast than when you had first spotted it on the horizon. Your own vessel didn’t seem to have taken too much damage, and though your sails would need replacing there was no doubt that you were in a better condition than your enemy.
The crew stood around the deck with victorious expressions and when you sidled over to one of the men to innocently ask for an explanation, he was happy to comply with your request, giving an enthusiastic account of the battle and eagerly explaining how - after dealing considerable damage to the opponent - the British crewmen sailed away only to have the Spanish Captain himself appear from below deck. You humored him, adding the appropriate exclamations of amazement from time to time, and thanked him for keeping you well informed. Having found out what you needed to know, you returned to Peter’s side to confirm that his earlier injury had been minor, before descending below deck once more to find Arthur and his new captive. Oddly enough, the crewman who had been kind enough to show you to the Captain lead you back to a familiar door.
“This is where we kept ‘im last time. Securest place on the ship, bu’ the sneaky little bugger still managed to escape.” With a short thank you, you were left alone outside the door.
So Carriedo had been imprisoned by Arthur before? And the piece of paper he’d been so keen to get his hands on was in here too. Did he leave it behind last time?
Figuring that your questions weren’t going to be answered by standing in a deserted hallway, you quietly swung the door open and slipped inside.

HeprincePor Translations
Eso no es necesario That's not necessary
Un bonito nombre para una chica hermosa A beautiful name for a beautiful girl
Gracias Thank you
De nada. ¿Pero, hablas español señorita? You're welcome. But, you speak Spanish miss?
Un poco, mi padre y yo viajamos a España con frecuencia A little, my father and I traveled to Spain frequently
Te ha gustado? Did you like it?
Sí, es un país muy hermoso Yes, it is a very beautiful country
Bonita e inteligente, parece que me he encontrado con mi equivalente. Pretty and intelligent, I think I have met my match
Too well fed to be una esclava, too beautiful to be una puta, too bold to be una princesa Too well fed to be a slave, too beautiful to be a whore, too bold to be a princess
Por favor, llàmeme Antonio Please, call me Antonio

To Sail the High Seas: Pirate England x Reader #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now