Chapter 40.5

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“What are you doing here?”
His voice was barely a whisper, disbelief coating his senses. Arthur stood on the sandy shores, staring at the woman before him with wonder. The moonlight gave her skin an almost ethereal glow.
“Hello Arthur.”
How he has missed her voice, the way she called his name so sweetly was enough cause for him to step forward and embrace her. Whispering the young woman’s name over and over again, Arthur held her in his arms tenderly, as if she would break at a moment’s notice.
“Forgive me, love.”
“Whatever for?” She shook her head with a smile, causing his breath to catch in his throat.
“For being such a selfish man. I understand your need for revenge but I still regret leaving as I did. I half wish I’d carried you away from that damn inn over my shoulder even if you’d cursed me for it. I didn’t want you to hate me, but not knowing if you were safe was unbearable and I-”
“Hush, love.” Her fingertips brushed over his lips tenderly as she used the pet name he had only heard pass those soft lips once before, and then in a mocking tone. Now the word was said tenderly as she gazed up at him, all the stars reflected in her smiling eyes.
The pirate Captain allowed himself to sink down to his knees and she gracefully followed, seating herself in his lap with her lips hovering just an inch away from his. He tried to vocalise her name, but she silenced him with a kiss, dragging her lips sensually over his as delicate hands ran down his chest, gently pushing him back until her body cadged his against the sand.
Arthur’s lips parted from hers for a moment, but his limbs felt heavy as if weighed down by some invisible chains, and there was nothing he could do but lay beneath her as her body moved over his like a water dancer. Once again her lips descended upon his, now kissing him desperately with teeth and tongue. He felt her nails scraping lightly against the bare skin of his chest and shivered, wanting nothing more than to be able to touch her as she was him. 
Arthur quickly realised that, somewhere along the line, his shirt had disappeared as had hers. When she next gave him time to breath, the moonlight kissed her skin, illuminating her figure for his eyes and his eyes alone. Her lips curved into a smile once again as his green eyes greedily admired her naked body, and Arthur fought desperately against whatever cruel force was preventing him from embracing this siren, but to no avail.
Her nails bit into his flesh harshly, and slowly her sharp claws were dragged down his torso with excruciating apathy. Her smile had been replaced by a look of utter boredom as the thin lines of crimson trailed after her talons, her eyes blank and unforgiving and her ears deaf to his gasps of pain. Arthur tried to speak, but no words would come to him. His assailant rose suddenly, turning to greet the man who stood behind her. The blond was powerless but to watch as she embraced his Spanish enemy who moulded her body roughly with his hands, grasping at the flesh greedily and suckling on her skin as she moaned for him.
Finally finding strength in his limbs, Arthur forced himself up from the ground and lunged at the couple, only to collide with wooden floorboards as he rolled from his bed, legs still entangled with his sheets.

"Bloody hell."
That was not the first dream to have haunted him with that woman’s image, and he was sure it wouldn’t be the last. Tugging himself free of the blankets, Arthur staggered up from the floor and tried to force her smiling face from his mind. His cabin felt cold and altogether too large for one person, and he dearly missed waking up with her warmth at his side.
Muttering curses under his breath, trembling fingers reached for the folded piece of parchment which lay atop his bedside table. Green eyes glanced over the hastily scrawled note which he had read a hundred times before, trying desperately to find something which he had missed each time previous. Yet her words remained unchanged, and the meaning with them.
Dearest Arthur
If he disregarded the rest of the letter, said recipient could almost pretend that there was affection in her pen when she wrote those first two words, but of course he was able only to read the following in one way, and that was one which had ended with her leaving him.
Returning the letter to its place of residence, Arthur forced himself back into bed for the remained of yet another restless night.

To Sail the High Seas: Pirate England x Reader #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now