Chapter Five

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The longer you spent talking to Peter, the more you pitied him. It turned out that he was the youngest of the three brothers aboard the ship. Peter clearly didn’t remember anything about his parents or any family outside of Arthur and Allistor, and despite the fact that his needs were taken care of, it seemed that he was neglected by his siblings for the most part, not that the rest of the crew treated him any better.
“And, and! Listen to this! Last night, the crew said they were going to have fun with two other girls, but they wouldn’t let me play!” You grimaced, perfectly aware of the type of ‘games’ that those brutes were into.
“Trust me Peter, you don’t want to play with them.”
“Not anymore I don’t, because now I have you! Um… What was your name again?”
“(y/n).” You smiled softly as he began to babble once more, however that smile quickly faded when the conversation turned to introducing you to the crew.
“Listen Peter,” You hated to interrupt but this was important. “I really don’t want to see anyone at the moment. I just want to be left alone okay?”
“Does that mean you won’t play with me?” He looked heartbroken.
“Of course not sweetie, you just have to promise not to tell the crew that I’m here.”
“Promise!” His beaming face had returned, and the boy made a gesture which you supposed was meant to represent sealing his lips shut.

The rest of the morning went off without a hitch. Peter was content with your company even without you participating in the conversations much; he just needed someone to talk to. You were all too happy to spend your time with him seeing as he kept your mind off your current situation. At lunch he managed to return to his cabin with an extra loaf of bread and some water which you accepted gratefully. It was after you’d eaten however, that your predicament caught up with you.
“They noticed you’re missing.”
“What?” You turned to meet the concerned blue eyes.
“I don’t think the rest of the crew know what’s going on, but Arthur was talking to Allistor and he looked really mad. Apparently he should have kept a better eye on you.”
You cursed under your breath, they knew you were still on the ship – where else could you go? – meaning you didn’t have much time before they found you. If you hadn’t let your emotions get the better of you, you’d still be in the Scotsman’s cabin and this could have been avoided, but of course you couldn’t have kept the drama to a minimum. You’d freaked out because you were surrounded by killers (which was understandable, but not helpful in the slightest) and now you’d gotten Peter mixed up in your mess.
“Do they suspect you?” He immediately shook his head and you sighed, even the darkest clouds had a silver lining.
“Nope, I don’t think they even thought of the possibility that I know where you are. I told you they don’t pay much attention to me!” he said it almost proudly this time, but it was equally pitiful.
“Do you know when we next make port?”
“Another week or two I think.”
“That’s far too long. They’ll have found me by then.” You thought quickly, all possible scenarios whizzing around your mind. Escape was clearly not an option, and hiding it out for what could be an entire fortnight would be almost impossible. So the only remaining thought was turning yourself in, however the last thing you wanted to do was let Peter suffer the captain’s wrath.
“(y/n)?” You turned your attention back to the concerned boy, your decision made.
“Peter, I’m going to need a place to hide for a little while. If they find me here you’ll get in more trouble than Allistor did, do you understand?” He nodded his head forlornly.
“Does this mean you’re going to leave?”
“I have to.”
“I’ll miss you.” You pressed a quick kiss to his forehead.
“I’ll miss you too sweetie.”

The pair of you slunk through dimly lit hallways, hearts thumping audibly in your chests. You crept down some narrow stairs into the cargo hold and Peter nodded towards a large pile of crates in the corner.
“I don’t think they’ve checked these boxes yet.” He paused for a moment. “Are you sure you want to get caught (y/n)?”
“Sure as I’ll ever be.” You gave a half-hearted shrug and a smile to the boy before sighing. “If I don’t get caught soon then you’ll be caught with me, and the last thing I want to do is get you in trouble.”
“But we’re friends!”
“Exactly. Friends don’t get other friends in trouble.” You saw an argument working its way onto his lips and cut in before he could say anything. “And friends also listen to each other. Will you listen to me?”
“Yes.” He didn’t sound happy about it, but at least he’d agreed.
“Thank you Peter.”
“Yes, thank you Peter.” That voice was like velvet, and dangerously so. You’d have recognised that accent anywhere. “Of all my crew I never thought the one to be harbouring her would be you.”
“Arthur…” The boy was visibly trembling as the captain approached.
“You little git.” The man swung his fist forward and sent his victim sprawling. It did not, however, hit the intended target.
“Arthur Kirkland don’t you fucking touch him.” He overcame his initial shock with a snarl.
“He’s part of my crew I’ll do what I want with him.”
“He’s your little brother!”
“He’s a pirate and this is an act of mutiny! He’s lucky I don’t want him dead!"
“He’s a child!” By this point you were practically screaming at the man. Forget being calm and calculating, forget trying to stretch your life out for a few more measly hours. Instinct told you to protect the lonely boy who was now crouched beside you, and that was exactly what you were going to do. Picking yourself up off the floor you strode up to the captain and looked him dead in the eye, ignoring Peter’s quiet protests.
“Peter, return to your room.” The order was growled without the captain breaking eye contact with you.
“Do as he says Peter.” With only a moment’s pause, your new friend scuttled back up the staircase and out of sight. Now all attentions were focused on each other. The tension in the air was as thick as treacle. [e/c] eyes bore into green, and you were first to break the silence.
“He does not deserve to be condemned for showing me kindness.”
“You’re my property. My rules.” Your expression twisted into one of disgust at his words.
“Forgive me if I cannot recall the moment I became an item, but since when did I belong to you?”
“Since I decided to take you out of the holding cells! You should be grateful!”
“I wouldn’t have been there in the first place if you hadn’t burnt down my ship!”
“You bloody insufferable woman!”

To Sail the High Seas: Pirate England x Reader #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now