Chapter Forty~Seven

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Arthur paced back and forth anxiously, the old wooden boards groaning slightly with each agitated step. He’d promised to trust you, but trust wasn’t something that came easily to men like him, especially not when concerning someone like Carriedo.
The atmosphere in the cavern had been uncomfortable to say the least. Spaniards had eyed Englishmen with malice and the Brits had returned the favour tenfold. The crewmen who’d stood around the edge however, had been the least of the blond Captain’s worries; it was the group surrounding him in the middle of the grotto that had been his primary concern. A trigger-happy Spaniard, a sharp-tongued Italian, a rowdy Scotsman, a fierce twelve year old, and a woman who was as impulsive as she was beautiful, had all stood before him.
Thinking about it now, it sounded like the start to a particularly longwinded joke, but not one that Arthur was eager to hear the end of.
When he’d voiced that standing around - practically waiting for someone to get stabbed - was a waste of time, and that it would be much more agreeable if everyone returned to their respective vessels, you had been of the same mind. You had not, however, made any move to leave the crowded cave.
When he’d questioned this, attempting to prompt you into leaving alongside him, you’d merely answered with a curt “I’ll follow shortly” which was less than comforting. Despite addressing him, your eyes had never wavered from the Spaniard, and even the memory of this caused a twinge of uncertainty to stab at Arthur’s heart. Although incredibly reluctant, the Englishman had inclined his head to you, sparing only a short glare for his rival before turning on his heel and making his way back up through the grotto’s only exit with his men following at his heel.

The sun had now sunk low on the horizon, dyeing the ocean a bloody crimson hue. It had been hours since he’d seen you last, and it took all his willpower to not think about how far the Spanish ship could have sailed in that time, whisking you away from him. But no, he firmly reminded himself, you had said you loved him, and that was something he had to trust in.
Trust again.
With a groan, he sank down into the stately desk chair, running his hands through blond locks with exasperation. He felt so utterly useless, unable to do anything until you returned, and that was if you were even intending such a thing. He wanted to trust you, god did he want to trust you, but each passing second without you, each moment he spent knowing you were in the company of Carriedo, was pure torture. Shoulders slumping, his head dropped to the desk with a soft thump and a deep sigh passed his lips.
Green eyes shot open, but the rest of his body was frozen in shock until your voice, like music to his ears, whispered his name again. Standing so abruptly that his chair was thrown backwards across the cabin floor, the pirate gazed in wonder at the young woman who stood - a little startled by his sudden display - with her back to the heavy oak door.
“Are you… okay?”
Disregarding your question, the Englishman tore around the desk, half stumbling in his hurry to reach you; when he did, there was no time for words as rough hands cupped your jaw and sealed your lips against his in an urgent kiss. He felt your muffled yelp of surprise turn into a hum of contentment as you melted into him, your eyes sliding closed as deft fingers curled around his wrists, thumbs brushing lightly across his quickening pulse.
Reluctantly releasing your lips, Arthur allowed you to breathe as he studied the contours of your face, the arch of your cheekbones and the curve of your nose, engraving into his mind every blemish and every imperfection. Your hazy eyes fluttered open to meet his, and it was all he could do to not devour you then and there.
“You are by far the most beautiful, enchanting, incredible woman I have ever met.”
He watched as your lips curved into a gentle smile.
“Damn right.”

“So you’re telling me, the reason you took so damn long was not, as I’d feared, because that bloody Spaniard had stolen you away, but because you were talking to Peter for several hours, and then became roped into playing a game of cards with Allistor.”
Your sheepish smile was answer enough.
“You are positively incorrigible.” The insult held no real malice behind it, the Captain being too relieved at being able to hold you in his arms, but you pouted anyway.
“How rude.” Rolling over caused the silken sheets to slip down your torso, allowing pale moonlight to kiss the soft skin of your back and illuminate your nude form for Arthur’s eyes alone.
Slipping his arms around your waist, the blond pulled you against him with a quiet chuckle. A kiss was pressed against your hair, followed by one to your neck and another to your shoulder, until he was leaning over you, cadging you against the mattress with that ever-present smirk dancing across his face. Unable to deny him, you pulled that smirk down to meet your own lips, darkened in colour and slightly swollen from the numerous kisses and bites they had been subject to since your return to the ship merely an hour before.
Feeling the palm of your hand press against his chest, Arthur broke the kiss, and looked down at you expectantly. You didn’t answer immediately, instead tracing one of the many scars that littered his chest with your nail, scraping the sensitive flesh lightly and eliciting a shiver from the man who hovered above you.
“I never thought it would be you, who I’d fall in love with I mean.”
Brushing a stray strand of hair from your face, Arthur gave a husky chuckle at your admission.
“It was never even something I considered, life as a pirate being what it is. When I took you from the hold I simply considered you as a pastime until we made port.”
He grimaced and you laughed, having long been aware of his initial intentions.
“At the time I hated you for it, but I suppose I am glad you took me from the hold instead of another… even if it was your fault that any of us were there in the first place.”
Another guilt-laced grimace.
“I really am sorry, love. Though I’m afraid I can’t truthfully say I regret it, for that would mean I never met you, but as for your father I-”
“Arthur, I’ve already forgiven you for that.”
You rolled over again, this time taking the Captain with you so that he was the one on his back with your body draped across his chest.
“You’re a pirate, I know that. I also know that you attack merchant vessels to steal their cargo and sell those on board. I can’t say I agree with it, but that doesn’t change the fact that I love you.”
“Even though I’m an insufferable bastard?”
You pecked his lips lightly.
“If you’re an insufferable bastard, then what does that make me?”
“A God-given gift.” Had his deep green eyes not looked so serious, you would have laughed these words off as a joke. “I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you, but I’m bloody glad I did it.”
Arthur allowed you to bury your face in the crook of his neck in an unsuccessful attempt to conceal your blush.
“You’re such an idiot.”
“Well you’re stuck with this idiot now.”
Feeling your smile against his throat, Arthur was content to lay in silence with you curled up in his arms. It wasn’t long before your breathing slowed into a regular pattern and the pirate realised you had fallen asleep. Fingers combing through your messy hair, he pressed a final kiss to your temple before allowing slumber to claim him as well.


Hey guys!
And today we've learned that if I ever say I'll get something done by "x" date, then it's probably not going to happen... I'm sorry about that, but I've got a portfolio to prepare for break so I'm really busy at the moment.
I hope you guys enjoyed this regardless - I know I've had a lot of fun writing it and your comments have all been absolutely wonderful! There will be an epilogue after this (though I don't know when that'll be uploaded because, like I said, I'm super busy at the moment) but aside from that I think this fanfic is pretty much done. I'm not saying I won't ever write for it again, but if I do I think it'll be more of a "one shot about the same characters a little later down the line" kind of thing, so we'll just have to see~

To Sail the High Seas: Pirate England x Reader #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now