What is love?

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 What is love?

Can one really fall in love,

With the sight of a simple smile,

But its more than that,

Its his intelligence, his attitude, and his music style.

He treats me as an equal,

Something that's an incredibly rare find,

When in his presence,

I'm no longer lost in the dark and negative caves, that are my mind.

But someone like him,

Would never match up with someone like me,

That fact that we're complicate opposites,

Its one with I can agree.

To this feeling,

I cannot give a name,

It rests unknown within me,

But its an impossible flame.

Its just teenage desire,

Nothing more than a stupid crush,

And despite believing it will never happen,

In excitement, my blood will not cease to rush.

He's the closest thing to perfection,

I have ever met,

If the opportunity ever presented itself before me,

I would happily fall into its net.

Even with all your positive traits,

I still ponder the same old question,

What does love really feel like?

All I can offer myself is a sweet, perfect suggestion.

The knowledge of the subject,

Lies in the dark,

I want to the answer,

But have never had much experience with love, and the wants of the heart.

Maybe one day,

Within a day that lies ahead,

I’ll let myself fall for you,

Maybe I’ll think with my heart rather than my head.

But then the thought occurs to me,

That I know very little of you,

But I am eager to know more,

Yourself is what you treat me equal to.

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