I'm a little bit lost without you

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Without You - Oh Wonder

Written: March 2016


The boys came into the dressing room to find Taehyung with his headphones in, talking quickly into the speaker about one of his random stories, smiling widely at the person he was on FaceTime with. Of course they all knew it was you on the other end. No one could make Taehyung smile that wide except for you.

You and Taehyung had known each other since you two were in diapers. You grew up together, went to the same schools, did practically everything together. You told each other everything too. Like your first kiss with that weird kid from class that you oddly liked. Or that one time when you both were 15 and Taehyung's siblings scared him so bad during a Halloween prank that he actually peed his pants! Not even the other members knew that.

As you two grew up through your teenage years, you both got really comfortable with each other, always sending stupid flirty texts and stuff like "your booty is my life," and many other things that anyone would think you two were in a relationship. You teased each other a lot, even the other members pointed it out, half the time making remarks like "Oh my gosh just go out already!" But for some reason, those comments always bugged you, and you would leave the room, upset. And you could never understand why. Taehyung would be awkwardly silent the rest of the day too.

As the boys shuffled into the room, paying attention to their own things, one of their managers came in and saw Taehyung. He sighed, fed up with Taehyung and mentally counting how many times he told him to stop calling you so much. "Taehyung, hang up." the manager said, tapping him on the shoulder. You saw the manager through the camera. "Oh it's your scary manager, I better go!" you said quickly, hanging up as Taehyung tried to say "No, wait-" but you had already gone. He hated not being able to say goodbye to you.

Taehyung looked up at his manager as he again was given the same lecture about him needing to focus on the tour. But this time, something new was added to the routine speech. "I don't want you calling her for the rest of the tour. If I find out you did, you won't have a break to see her anytime soon." That definitely caught Taehyung's attention. His eyes wide, he just nodded at his manager, showing he understood.

But just to be sure that he didn't just leave you in the dust, Taehyung quickly texted you telling you about how he couldn't talk to you for the next several weeks.

Taehyung didn't realize how hard this was going to be, not talking to his best friend on the daily. He was more quiet during interviews, and not his usual hyper self on stage. Even his dancing was lacking. 

Occasionally, your name would be brought up in conversation with the other members, and Taehyung's eyes would light up like fireworks. It wasn't hard to miss, because then he would immediately brighten up and start chattering about you.

On the last few days of tour, this happened again. Jimin brought up your name since one of the girls at the fansign looked like you. Taehyung immediately jumped in, unconsciously complimenting you about how your eyes were brighter than the fan's, and that your hair looked softer and your smile was nicer. The other members just sat there, shock on their faces. "What?" Taehyung asked, confused. 

"I swear if you don't confess to her when we get back, I'll do it for you." Namjoon said, shaking his head. "What?!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"When will you finally admit to yourself that you are IN LOVE WITH HER." Jin said, throwing his hands up and rolling his eyes, frustrated but laughing at Taehyung.

"Or I'll just go ask her out. I mean she's available if you don't like her like that, right Tae?" Jimin said slyly.

All of a sudden Taehyung felt something in the pit of his stomach, his heart pounding as he slowly realized what was happening. He was feeling jealous and angry at Jimin for even asking that. 

That was the moment it finally hit Taehyung, that he was in love with you. Your smile was his favorite, your eyes were his favorite, your laugh was his favorite. You were his favorite, and he was in love with you.

"No, I'm going to tell her as soon as we get back!" Taehyung said, nodding in determination.

Little did he know how hard those last few days of tour would be though. Each hour felt like an eternity to him without being able to tell you how he feels, finally. Eventually, the tour was over and they would be on their flight back home soon.

You decided to surprise Taehyung when he came back from tour at the airport. You made him a big sign, with glitter and all, telling him congratulations on finishing the tour and that you missed him. You stood in the crowd, waiting for them to get off the plane.

Finally you saw him and the other members walking with their heads down to try and get out of there as soon as possible. But you and your devilish self decided you weren't going to make it easy for them. 

You stepped onto a nearby bench and held the sign high above your head. You took a deep breath, and at the top of your lungs screamed, "KIM TAEHYUNG!!!!!!!"

Well, he obviously heard that. A well as the whole airport, as all faces turned to you. But that didn't matter, you were only looking at one face in particular. You could even see that huge smile of his from under the mask, as his eyes lit up when he saw you and made his way towards you as fast as he could.

When he finally got to you, he lifted you off the bench and spun you around, not caring about the people or the cameras seeing you two. As he spun you around a few more times, tightly hugging you, he whispered into your ear, "I love you."

"What?" you asked, thinking you didn't hear him correctly as he put you down. "I said I love you!" He smiled widely, only hoping for an equally happy reaction from you.

"I love you too!" You exclaimed, surprised that you didn't even have to think about your answer. 

Taehyung was too ecstatic to say anything, so he spun you around again and kissed your cheek.

"Ugh finally! There was so much sexual tension between you two it could have cut through me." Jungkook said. You and Taehyung just stood there wide eyed and red in the face at that statement.

"Oh shut up, you don't even know what that means." Yoongi said, making everyone laugh. Then, everyone went home as they normally do. And there was surprisingly no awkwardness between you and Taehyung.

Because you two had always been a couple, just waiting on the "I love you."


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