I love you just a little too much

39 2 0

Written: September 2016


"Wish I may, wish I might

Find my one true love 


So I murder love

In the night.

Because I love you

Just a little

Too much."


Cold and damp. 

Taehyung woke up startled, escaping the bad dream he was having. This time the nightmare felt too real. He had dreamed that he was having another fight with her... but he had finally lost control. 

He was breathing heavily, brow and back dripping with sweat.

He wiped his face, trying to calm down from the dream. A light scent of iron filled his nose suddenly. Looking at his hands, he saw that they were stained red.

He stood up, quickly realizing he wasn't in bed like he thought. Taehyung's eyes hadn't left his hands, too scared to see.

Too scared to be met with his deepest fear.

Finally, Taehyung tore his eyes from his hands and looked around the living room. A lamp was knocked over on the floor, illuminating his shadow to look like a monster on the wall.

He saw that the glass coffee table was shattered, the peices scattered around the carpet. Drops of red led his eyes to the couch, where there was nothing but blood.

He took a step towards the couch, his foot hitting something solid. Looking down, he let out a scream of pain. His love was lying there, unmoving.

He saw her limp body spread out, one of her hands laying on her chest where a giant gash had stained her shirt. Then Taehyung remembered.

He remembered that he killed her.  

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