The Laboratory

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              Sans reappeared in front of Undyne's door just as she exited. She was a bit surprised by his appearance. Sans usually wore a smile that was seldom unwrenched. But now he bore no pupils, and his smile wasn't as bright as usual. "...Sans, there you are... Where's Papyrus? He didn't sh--" She began, but Sans finished it for her.

"Papyrus is dead. They're all dead." He said, angrily, his fists clenching in his pockets. "The human killed them all, Undyne." He said. Despite everything... He said it calmly. Undyne looked downwards slightly, closing her eye in sadness and respect. But she wasn't going to break down into tears. Not now. Mourn later.

"...Sans, I---" She began to say, but Sans stopped her. He knew what she was going to say.

"Don't be. It's done. Some civilians escaped- But there were still casualties." He said, trying to make sure she understood that only civilians escaped. "The Canine Unit fought valiantly." Sans said, looking down slightly in respect as Undyne had done. Undyne's fists clenched in rage, and her face twisted in to a scowl.

"I knew it." She said, walking inside as the door slammed closed. She soon came out in full battle armor. "And they're not going to get away with it." She sternly said, clenching her magical spear so hard that Sans half-thought the magical essence in the spear was going to shatter. Sans put his gloved hand on Undyne's arm, gently.

"They're very DETERMINED. You---"

"I don't give a damn!" Undyne interrupted.

"..." Sans looked down. He knew he couldn't convince her not to attack the child. He knew Undyne would easily be killed. All that LOVE. Not even she could handle it. She'd likely be killed in one hit... Just like Papyrus. Sans flinched. He looked back up at her and nodded. "...Hey. Wanna visit Alphys first? She was probably just about to call you about the human anyway." Sans suggested.

"...W-We don't have ti--"

"I know a shortcut." Sans said, his eye flashing light blue and yellow. He usually didn't take others on shortcuts unless he wanted to freak out/confuse someone. But this wasn't one of those situations. It was very urgent. Undyne looked down. Her grip on the spear lightened up.

"...F-Fine." She submitted, and Sans began walking forward. Undyne followed. When they turned the corner, they were in the doorway of Alphys' lab, thanks to the shortcut. Alphys was soon scurrying towards them as Undyne took off her helmet.

"U-Undyne! I-I was just about to call! Th-The human, th-they---" Alphys began, but Undyne gave a solemn nod, and kneeled down, giving Alphys a warm embrace, even in her armor. Alphys shyly hugged back.

"I have to go now, Alphys. I'm going to stop the human once and for all." Undyne said, sounding determined. Alphys looked worried.

"U-Undyne, I d-don't think you sh-shou--"

"I want you to promise me something." Undyne interrupted, standing up, and taking a step back. Alphys slowly looked up to her. "Watch me fight them. If anything..." She had trouble saying the next few words. "...If anything goes wrong... Evacuate everyone." Undyne said, grimly.

"B-But Undyne--" Alphys began.

"Promise me." Undyne stubbornly said.

"...I-I... I promise." Alphys said, tearing up.

"Thank you." Undyne said, putting on her helmet again. She looked to Sans. Sans nodded, and as Undyne walked out the door, he used a shortcut, and she was in Waterfall again. Sans looked back to Alphys. She was staring at the door, her hands shaking. She slowly looked down, wiping her eyes. She then perked her head up at Sans. She gulped.

"O-Oh, y-you're still..." Alphys began. Sans nodded with a shrug.

"I have nothing to do. And I'm sure as Hell not giving the human any help." Sans said. Alphys slowly nodded.

"...I... I'm going back. Gonna try to restore M-Mettaton's c-combat features." Alphys said, turning around. Sans nodded, his smile back by now. He knew that, even with those features, Mettaton would likely be cut down quickly.

"Givin' Mettaton EX some offensive measures?" Sans asked, clarifying. Alphys stopped in her tracks. Alphys looked at Sans in an angle that made her glasses glow white, not able to see her eyes, that gave her an almost eerie look. She slowly shook her head.

"Mettaton NEO." She said. That name sounded intimidating. Either way, Sans figured, it would be anti-climactic. Alphys must've known that, Sans thought; She of all people knew how powerful DETERMINATION could be. As she went up the escalator, Sans plopped down in a chair, and leaned back in it. No matter how bad a situation was... He never failed to do one thing: Take a good nap. He did just that.

[SPOILERS] Undertale Genocide: A Bad Time (Sans' Perspective) [[Completed]]Where stories live. Discover now